ideas for controlling food intake during recovery?

I used to cut weight consistently for wrestling and I found that for me, chewing gum often did the trick.
Maybe it was something about the chewing motion. It didn't solve my cravings, but it did take the edge off.

Chewing gum when you are bored fires up your brain cells and might make you less likely to engage in mindless snacking. There was some weird study somewhere that said that school children did better on studying/tests/etc. when they chewed gum during the task.
I haven't heard of those TJ, I'll have to check them out. I've always had a hard time with most diets, because they tend to only give me suggestions for the most part for veggies that I do not like. It's hard when there aren't more alternatives so you end up falling back into what you know and like.

I also grew up in a family of eaters, not that this is an excuse but I do think it is a learned behavior. I was always one of the little skinny kids growing up who ate ten times as much as the kids that were three times my size. My closest friends all weighed a good hundred pounds over me and I would out eat them any day of the week. Everybody was always, still are now that I think about it, shocked at how much I eat. Unfortunately, as I've gotten older, that appetite hasn't gone away like I would have hoped it would, not a good thing now that I am not as active as I once was.

Anyhow, I really think I could do the paleo diet with adding a couple veggies (grains or what ever they are considered now a days) not on the matrix, the problem is getting my wife to do it with me. I am the one who cooks dinner and normally would eat and cook pretty close to a paleo diet on my own naturally, but my wife complains incessantly that she wants variety and feels what I like is boring (meat and potatoes so to speak). This makes it hard because a lot of the foods she likes have a lot of processed stuff or have lots of breads or cheeses or pasta, etc....

My hubby and I only eat about 50% of the same foods. I used to encourage him to eat like me and work out with me, etc., but I finally realized that I was just using it as an excuse not to do what I needed to do, for me. Same with trail running. I used to only do the exercises he liked to do, because I wanted to do them together and I wanted to encourage him to exercise. I finally had to let that all go and do what I needed to do for my health. Hence, trail running. He does not like trail running, but I do it anyway. I felt all guilty when I started exercising without him, but I just had to let that go. Same with eating. He will eat macaroni and cheese and patty melts, etc. And I eat something different. We rarely share the same food for meals.
My hubby and I only eat about 50% of the same foods. I used to encourage him to eat like me and work out with me, etc., but I finally realized that I was just using it as an excuse not to do what I needed to do, for me. Same with trail running. I used to only do the exercises he liked to do, because I wanted to do them together and I wanted to encourage him to exercise. I finally had to let that all go and do what I needed to do for my health. Hence, trail running. He does not like trail running, but I do it anyway. I felt all guilty when I started exercising without him, but I just had to let that go. Same with eating. He will eat macaroni and cheese and patty melts, etc. And I eat something different. We rarely share the same food for meals.
The problem Jen, is that it's expensive to make two meals.... Otherwise I would totally agree.
Nothing can cure the chocolate craving, nothing! :(

Try making your popcorn in the microwave plain and use Butter Buds and garlic powder or garlic salt to flavor it. It will have a lot less calories and none of the grease, and tastes pretty darn good too.
Fruits make me feel fuller longer, unfortunately nuts and seeds do only because I can't seem to stop till their gone. Then they just make me sick because I ate too many nuts.

7ships, I will definitely check that book out. Thanks for the suggestion.

My thoughts precisely!!!!!
Whenever I realize it's time to cut..... nuts and seeds go first. VERY fat/calorie rich.
Cracks me up how the hummus craze enthusiasts (it's just a vegetable, right?) ignore the 40 KCAL per typical dipper's amount per pita chip or whatever your handle/vehicle is. Take a tablespoon measure and really level it out like your supposed to and you'll see how small a tablespoon of hummus is. Yeah, it's exactly half the fat and calories of peanut butter, but when's the last time you sat there dipping scoops of Jiff? For me it was college.
Update: I made some small changes to my diet, and so far I've actually lost a few pounds since my injury began.
Staying away from sweets and carbs as much as possible has made a big difference. I don't think it's necessarily because protein/fat is magic; rather, so many foods are carb ridden that once you get rid of them, I mean, how many beans without rice/curry without naan/ stews without flatbread/etc. can a person eat?
So I've been using plain yogurt to garnish my meals, and ate my quinoa (yeah, a grain, but at least relatively protein filled and fibery) veg burgers with no bun, only cilantro sauce, and am trying to say no to the pecan blondies I made for my kids & colleagues the other day.
Tonight I made a north indian inspired chicken stew with lentils and kale, but no rice for me. It was good and I was done with it in one helping, which I cannot say I would have been with lots of dipping bread.
Small changes, oh, and I have refused to stay up late studying, so at night I go to sleep rather than the kitchen. Bad for academics, good for health.

I stopped wearing the boot regularly last week (against dr.'s orders, since my hip and knees were killing me and I didn't want to injure those, and the ankle feels about 95% normal most of the time anyways). Phys. therapy is going well, I've been strength training, and bought a stability ball, but it's still KILLING me not to be able to run in the morning. Sorry I won't be able to participate yet in barefoot running day! boo hoo! Enjoy the feel of the ground under your feet on my behalf!