Hypothetical situation


Feb 6, 2012
Athol, MA
So I know this stupid guy (ok, it's me), that ran a 5k on Thursday. It was a small Air Force sponsored event at work celebrating Flag Day. I planned to run easy since it was hot and I haven't had many hot road runs, but when the race started I got excited and all plans were out the window. My reward was a blister on the ball of each foot the size of a half dollar. I spent the day after with my feet up, draining the blisters. I ran three today without pain but I think the skin is going to come off. I have a relay race that I have a lot of effort and money invested in coming up in 3.5 weeks and I was hoping to get some advice about what to do. Is there anything I can do to prevent losing the skin or toughen up the baby soft skin that will likely be underneath? Thanks

I think you'll be ok in 3.5 weeks, your "baby skin" will toughen up fairly quickly. Just make sure your feet are good and dry, if softer skin stays moist for too long before running you could have some issues, this can be caused by wearing shoes, flip-flops, etc. just prior to running.