Hello from Buffalo, NY

Brandon C.

Sep 14, 2012
Buffalo, NY
Hey there fellow barefoot runners! My name is Brandon, and I'm from Buffalo, NY.

I'm a CAT4 competitive cyclist, and a 99% noob runner. Last year, I tried to start running shod, but quickly developed ITB issues that knocked me on my rear for a few months. I quit running completely and haven't run since. After researching ITBS, I came across Born to Run, then many other barefoot resources. I haven't run since last year, but I'm ready to start from scratch barefoot.

My plan it to incorporate BF walking into my training. 3 x 5 minutes per week, adding 5 minutes each week until I can walk for 30 - 45 minutes BF. Then, I'll start adding in 1 minute of BF running per workout, doing 3 BF workout per week. Does this sound like a good plan for a noob?

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Welcome Brandon!

I am originally from Little Valley which is down near Ellicottville. I am guessing things are rather beautiful back home about now.

I think that your plan is sound and will certainly keep you away from doing too much too soon. Keep us posted on how things are going. If you are anything like me the itch to run will make it difficult.

If you don't mind me making a suggestion, it would be beneficial to incorporate as much barefoot time as possible outside of dedicated workout time.
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Thanks for the feedback! I'm barefoot as much as I can outside of workout time. I've been wearing VFFs for everyday life for about a year, and I just recently bought a pair of RunAMocs that I can wear to work. If I'm at home, I'm completely barefoot. So... tennis shoes are out of my life for good!

... and yes, the weather if GORGEOUS right now in Western New York!

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Welcome, Brandon, one newbie to another. Great resources in this forum, so pick brains at will. They tell me -- and I believe them -- that patience is the key, as well as resisting the urge to do too much too soon. If you can't resist that urge, by all means come back here and let the experienced barefooters kick the crap out of you for not listening. Don't worry, though. Their barefoot running skills may be awesome, but their barefoot kicking skills, not so much. Cheers!
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Welcome! Love when our brand new members donate, so thank you! How did you find us/learn of us?
Hi Brandon. It's always nice to discover another BF enthusiast close by. I'm from Spencerport. It sounds like you are starting out right. Barefoot as much as possible or minimal shoes. Your calves and tendons should be used to the zero lift. I expect you will still have to adjust slowly to running. Cold weather is coming, however when I started two years ago I ran BF some on the treadmill and outside either BF or with socks whenever the weather permitted. I believe BF will in time help the ITB I haven't had that problem since I started BF. The main advice I've gathered here is not to do TMTS (too much too soon) you may get TOFP. Good luck.

Welcome Brandon, sounds like your doing the right thing so far with minimalist & barefoot. Good luck!
I was previously a NYer myself, though Buffalo is only my half way point home (Northern, near Watertown), and my current avatar is from Northern NY too!

I think I remember finding out about the BRS at the "Running Naked on Sharp Pointy Things" blog. I've gone to so many barefoot sites, I can hardly remember!


Thanks for the advice, and yes, it is great to hear from someone close by! I'm still taking it VERY slow. I'm just now working in two or three thirty second jogging intervals in my walks. I've done a few "longer" (a.k.a 5 or 7 minute) trail runs at the park next to my house. I'm perfectly happy taking it very slow. Better to take it slow and stay healthy than go too fast and get injured.


I've done a few Sprint Tris, but I wouldn't say I'm necessarily training for a triathlon right now. Running has always been my Achilles Heel (no pun intended) when it comes to triathlon. But taking the barefoot running with a very, very slow build up, I hope that I can get to a point when I can really train for tri's. Maybe even an Olympic or 70.3!

Welcome Brandon. I have an Uncle in Tonawanda. If you ever needed a tour guide or a meal at the Serbian Club, he's your man.

You'll find people here are quick to respond to questions, ask away. Just be aware of the Oregon folks, they've developed some sort of weird cult like thing over there, pics are very disturbing. If you see a post from them, best to just smile and wave, try not to make eye contact.
Oh you crack me up so bad Ram!

He says he has an uncle in Lake Oswego too. Now I'm beginning to wonder about his "uncles". :)

Welcome Brandon! And...the Oregon Chapter rocks! Soon you too will be fighting off the urge to pack up your bags and move out west! ;)
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