Going insane not running

It's only been a few days, but not running really sucks. Hopefully this patellar tendon injury heals fast. It does feel a little better today. I was able to walk down the stairs without having to hold onto the railing to keep the knee from buckling.
I empathize Nick, I've had to lay off for a few days too due to a sore arch, today
I finally was able to run on it again a bit, took it REAL easy though, I just seem
to keep over-doing it.

So I've decided to take the increases a lot more slowly, this pushing to the limit
has just been resulting in downtime for me. Would rather run a little consistently
than these big 'bites' and then have a week hobbling around in pain :rolleyes:
Definitely know how you feel Nick. Just back at it the last two weeks after almost a month off. I'm taking it reeeeeeeeeaaaalllly slow. I think I finally learned my lesson. Although I got schooled a bit yesterday. First really hot day and I went running (BF) and only lasted about 1km before I had blisters forming from the hot pavement. I've been running 5k's on pavement for a while now, but wow, the heat made a huge difference. Feet only feel mildly sore this morning, so I'll be able to go running tomorrow....probably shod though.
Yah, it stinks. I had a short 1.2-mile hill run on Tuesday to test my toe after stupidly stubbing it last week while monkeying with my new Garmin. Then yesterday I had my first decent trail run, a little less than four miles. The toe's still a little stiff, but didn't bother me during the run. Small victory. I guess I'm back in business. Intriguingly, I did my best to keep to a 10-minute pace on the trail I was running, and found myself going a lot faster over the gravelly spots than I usually do. I got one sharp bruising to the right heel, but otherwise did OK. I'm really digging my new program of keeping distances to under five miles while pushing the pace. It feels like a better workout, and I can hardly wait to see what average pace my Garmin reports when I run on asphalt tomorrow (I'm hoping for a sub-nine-minute average). Then over the winter I think I'll try several months of long and slow, when more treacherous footing might necessitate that approach anyway. Happy recoveries everyone!
how many pounds have you put on already? ;)

I did a little joging today and wasn't happy to feel my gut jiggling along with me!
I run barefoot; I don't get hurt.;)
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I know it's nothing like yours, but I pull muscles in my neck several times a year, usually from sneezing or twisting to fast. It always sidelines me for a week or so, it sucks!
I had a brutal sneeze attack when I walked out of the hospital after my OP. I'm a sun-sneezer and when it hits, BAM, i can't control it at all. Scared the bejeebus out of me, really. And it HURT my already tender neck and shoulders .. ahhh CHOOOO!
How did you bum out your PT ?
Not sure exactly, but it started early last week. I think it was from one of my runs when I was in a minshoe pushing the pace. It started as just a slight ache, nothing to really worry about, but something to just keep an eye on. This last weekend I did a trail run with some fellow BRS members and it felt great. No pain what so ever. Then Monday I went for a road run and about 3-4 miles in on a 6 mile run it started getting worse. I just kept going because I was a few miles out from the house still and I didn't want to walk along the main road barefoot when it was hot out. By the time I got home it was pretty sore. I've been resting it since then and it's really starting to feel better. I think I may have started running with too much knee bend on Monday and that may have made it more sore. I do think it's just a really mild injury and I am just being cautious and making myself take a week off at least. I will re-evaluate how it feels on Monday and hopefully it will be better and I can run again. On a good note, also my PF seems to be lessening as well during this off time. Maybe it will go away too?
I know it's nothing like yours, but I pull muscles in my neck several times a year, usually from sneezing or twisting to fast. It always sidelines me for a week or so, it sucks!
You must be a hard sneezer like me, or maybe I'm like you? :confused: I've tweaked my neck from sneezing before. I don't think it happens nearly as often as it seems to for you though. Maybe once a year, if that, for me.
I know exactly how you feel about not being about to run, so if you're insane, what am I by now? Don't answer that! Heal fast Mr. Nick!
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I have your story, yes thank you. I haven't had time to create the new forum, but I will soon.

I was fine after the walk, but then that night I paid for it with all the firing in my toes; the nerves weren't happy. It took about two days for my feet/toes to settle back down. But that's what always happens, even when I am just walking around my home or in the stores.

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