Wow, what a difference 10 degrees less (F) makes in a run!


Apr 3, 2010
The kids and I cranked out 5mi today, 2 on bike and one in the jogger. We were all barefoot btw :) Though my 5yr old complained about the helmet. I have to draw the line on minimalism somewhere when there's true saftey at stake (esp in his case, sadly the poor kid was blessed with my grace...or lack there of) He ended up face planting into a ditch along the trail on our way back, and bonked his head (luckily had helmet on, which I used as a "see, even though I know you are an outstanding bike rider, we still have to be safe and wear our helmets" lesson).

Anywho, compared to last week's 4mi tortuous 90 degree run, feet burning, feeling so thick with heat and humidity that I nearly felt like I was running through hot molasses, today's run was absolutely beautiful! I couldn't ask for more in a run with kids, though I do admit too, that I long for the pleasure of running a beautiful day sans all of the mindfullness in a run. Stopping for water breaks, and pee breaks, and readustments in helmets and seat belts, taking shoes off because someone's too hot (Max started out in jeans, socks, shoes...the whole bit and quickly complained that he was too hot. The moment I removed his shoes, he let out a big sigh of relieve...was amazing to actually feel what he felt at that moment. We took off shoes and socks and cuffed up jeans and went along our merry way with nary a complaint after that.

So, This week's mid 70's run was near perfection. The air was crisp and fresh, the pavement was slightly heated, there was a breeze from the west to cool us off. It was wonderful, the sort of day when you can enjoy the heat of the sun AND actually cool off in the shade.

Just thought I'd share a bit from my blog. These days make running barefoot an absolute pleasure!
I am waiting for some of that

I am waiting for some of that cool. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me cool on the 29th!

It is an amazing feeling running in cool air after training in the heat. I think that is one reason I love training in that hot muggy air is I know that soon, I will get one of those perfect 65 or 70 degree running days and they feel so fulfilling.
Good point, Lava.  I agree.

Good point, Lava. I agree.
Nothing more refreshing and

Nothing more refreshing and wonderful feeling than those runs.
We rode today, and wore

We rode today, and wore helmets as usual.

Real bike shorts, bike gloves, helmets, and of course our shoeless feet went perfect with our Pyramid Barefoot pedals.

I'm a minimalist, but on the road or trail I consider helmets an important item on our minimal equipment list.

On vacations out of state we relax the helmet rule when riding recreationaly for local transportation, knowing full well the risks.

At home I don't ever want to set a bad example for others, so our barefoot cycling is ALWAYS with a helmet in place.

Sure the locals think we're nuts, but compare the risks!

What's the worst that can happen shoeless.

Lidless? I hate to even think about it.
Ita, LB. Gotta protect the

Ita, LB. Gotta protect the noggin, fo sho!
My kids always wear their

My kids always wear their helmets, on their bikes, our bike (bike trailer, bike seat, although they've pretty much outgrown these), skates, and skateboard (oldest one loves it, Board!).

I think people who don't wear helmets while riding motorcycles are nuts. Sure, it's their brains, but not when it ends up all over my windshield. (Let the debate begin...)
I hear ya, Board.I should

I hear ya, Board.

I should have added... Nuts, not that there's anything wrong with that.

After all, we are barefoot runners and that alone makes us a little nutty. ;-)
I realize that there are

I realize that there are risks involved in everything, and I try to manage them as best I can.

Sure I drive cars on the roads, but I always wear seatbelts/shoulder harness.

I could use a 5 point harness and helmet to reduce the risk of commuting to work but don't, the same as just about every other motorist on the road who opts not to.

Bicycling barefoot adds risk, as does skateboarding shoeless, but it is a risk I am willing to accept in exchange for the pleasures and advantages.

Bareheaded cycling feels better then covered, but that risk is too great for me to consider except when in the vacation mind set.

I realize that to the general public riding barefoot with a helmet on looks like priorities are reversed, but I believe that statistics are on my side.
For me, it's different when

For me, it's different when you are traveling under your own power and when you are in a vehicle - there is just no comparison in keen reaction time and level of control. I know too many people who got traumatic brain injuries with helmets - without makes me shudder.
Just wait until the MN

Just wait until the MN weather gets down into the 40s and 50s Zum. Even though it only stays that way for about a month, it's the best time to run outside.
You and your cold weather

You and your cold weather blood SP, I prefer 60s/70s. Though will tolerate 40s/50s :p Funny though, that in winter, I say that 30s is perfect. Crazy how we adjust.
It was down in the 70s here

It was down in the 70s here yesterday (also minus the humidity) and oh man, what an enjoyable run! I'd forgotten what it was like to not have every pore squeezing out sweat at max capacity!
I am looking forward to my

I am looking forward to my first Fall season of BFR.

BTW... Zum and other MN folk. My wife and I will be in your neck of the woods (or at least in MN in general) at the end of the month.

Her family has a place on the Gunflint Trail. I've been lucky enough to spend a couple weeks up there for the last 7 summers. This will be my first as a BFR. I am looking forward to spending many quality hours barefoot on the trails.

At the very least my buck naked runs from the sauna to the lake should now be more expedient. :)

S. Pimp.
I know it is really nice

I know it is really nice getting a break. I'm on the opposite side of the coin though, I actually enjoy running in high heat and humidity. I really like a good sweat, in fact like to be drenched after my run. Feels like my body is getting rid of all toxins.

But fall running is amazing, the only thing I don't like about fall barefoot running is the acorns, those things give you nasty stingers! I already see them on the ground.

I did a few barefoot runs in the low 20's. I ran 3 miles in 19 degrees, that was my lowest and most intense. Running barefoot in the 40's and high 30's is nice as well, and this is coming from someone who hates winter and the cold. Amazing how the body does adjust.
@S.Pimp: if you are going to

@S.Pimp: if you are going to be around on the 28th, the MN Chapter is going to be taking a run around Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis. It would be awesome to have you along! I will send you a message about it also with the details just in case.
I don't know about the whole

I don't know about the whole helment thing I have to wear one since I'm in the army but I got rid of my bike for that reason sucks when a bee gets in your helment and your going about 60 MPH. Plus alway gotta think if your traveling at 60-80 MPH and hit something solid head first the only thing a helment might do is keep your head intact as it travels to your mid section cause a slow painful death. Where as not having a helment might make it a lil quicker and less plainful.
"Pyramid Barefoot

"Pyramid Barefoot pedals"

wow, just the other day I was wondering if there was a way to ride barefoot. However, when I considered the type of riding I do and the abuse my Mt Bike shoes take, the thought faded very quickly. However, I might need to get a set for those relaxing rides. Sounds kinda fun.
"The only thing I don't like

"The only thing I don't like about fall barefoot running is the acorns, those things give you nasty stingers! "

Yep, they are out in force. Tis the season. Those and some kind of helocopter things with points, they stick to your feet.

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