What Happens if You Start Wearing Barefoot Shoes Today?

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
Glad to see an article like this, in 2024!

My only quibble would be the suggestion to talk to a podiatrist: I'd bet most podiatrists would try to discourage someone—they've accepted the shoe idealogy. Maybe I'm wrong. It's happened before.

But I can confirm that going barefot/minimalist changed the shape of my feet. They got slimmer and stronger. I've been working with an injury, and was wearing some more thicker Minnitonka mocs over the winter. But now that's it's warmer here in Oregon, I've been going to Xeros sandals and back to good ole barefoot, and I swear that not only feels better, but seems to help along my recovery.

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I believe most podiatrists are brain-washed into thinking that running barefoot is bad for you. Most of them don't even take the time to actually do the research.