What are we going to use for an icebreaker??


Chapter Presidents
Jul 26, 2010
One thing I really like about the VFFs, is that they are a terrific icebreaker. When wearing them anywhere in public, but especially at races, people come up and start a conversation. It gives me a really nice segway into midfoot/forefoot landing vs. heel striking...and then to the benefits of BFR! When all the minimal shoes look like, well, shoes, I will have lost a great icebreaker.

Showing up barefoot, people are in awe. They don't initially think barefoot is something they would ever want to do. But they think "minimal" is something they might be able/willing to do. And the VFFs are different enough that they can identify them, and then come over to talk about them.

When people come up and talk

When people come up and talk to me about my lack of shoe-ed-ness, I address that main concern (the "I don't think it's for me") head on. Baby steps. It's all about just taking your shoes off and going around the block or something to see if you like it.

That usually leads into a "but don't they make those shoes". My normal message is "barefoot is best", but for the general public, I talk about how VFFs and other such shoes have similar benefits, and may be a better way. I also give them a BRS card if they want to learn more.
VFFs and other toe-shoes

VFFs and other toe-shoes don't seem to be going away so, I don't understand your concern. Personally, I don't want an "icebreaker", I just want functional minimalist shoes so that I can spend time outside during cold-wet Winter.
It does make chatting during

It does make chatting during a race easier...and I'm a REALLY chatty runner during a race. I try different paces and talk talk talk to lots of people especially if it's long and I can have short conversations with many people.

That said,

I donno...I met some nice folks when I was a shod runner, when I'm in my VFFs, and when I'm barefoot. Barefoot, though, I get more "HEY! Born to Run!", tarahumara, & "Wow you're crazy!" comments than anything. I get more questions with the VFFs and I hate answering questions..."How much do they cost?" "How do you like them?" "Have you run X distances in them yet?" "Are you faster!?!" etc. etc. etc.

I'd rather just say, here I am, I run barefoot. That's how I do. I don't like the attention that VFFs bring to me.

I never get questions when I run in my other minimal footwear...what does a shod runner say to a person wearing water shoes? Nothing. It's like being invisible...unlike VFFs or barefoot. But, that's in my limited experience.
I often wear FF when I'm out

I often wear FF when I'm out and about and I'm so sick of the comments and questions from other people. I had one friend who was all excited when she saw me running barefoot and thought it was so cool and wanted to start. So I gave her all kinds of information and talked about form and going slow, blah, blah, blah and after one blister, she quit. I think people think it's weird and cool and ask questions cuz they don't know what else to say, but they really don't care and have no intention of trying it. I'm truly amazed that we have this forum because for the most part, it's a rare individual who is actually going to take his/her shoes off!
That races I have done this

That races I have done this year have been barefoot. The first question that people ask me now is "do you have those toe shows" They really could careless i am barefoot, but more interested in about the five fingers. I am not that chatty at races, and really don't want to talk about barefoot running actually.
I think they see you at the

I think they see you at the start, then if you are not in the med tent at the finish or leaving bloody foot prints everywhere then it maybe safe for them to ask WHY?

Stick around at the finish line if you want to talk BFRing.
pbarker, the thing is that

pbarker, the thing is that after the race, a bunch of people will take off their shoes (weather permitting) and just be walking around bf. So bf, I don't think we stand out as much as VFF wearers (after the race). But before & during is when we are unique.

jason, you may be right on the kilt. Hopefully (for my sake) the VFFs stay unique a little longer. ;-)

Everyone, I don't think most people accost you (before-during-after) about your footwear (or lack thereof) because they want to be mean. The people who come up to me (not the ones making comments when they are behind me) are looking for information. I feel a certain responsibility to give them reasonable advice. I am friendly because I am trying to look like a "friendly wacko" instead of a "mean guy that runs bf".

We are looked upon "oddly", much the way anyone is who looks "different" from the mainstream. Yet, once a shod runner gets to know us, they understand that we are all runners, and are pretty much like every other runner they know.

Part of the mission of this group is "To educate the running public on the health benefits of barefoot & minimalist running" AND "To dispel the myths associated with barefoot running that negatively impact the sport".

I have enjoyed (mostly) the inquiries that my VFFs have created. But I am not crazy about the VFFs on distances greater than 9 or 10 miles. So I'm thinking I may be better off in a different minimalist shoe. But then I'm just going to look like every other runner. That's all I was trying to get at.

Since I'm not extremely outgoing, I like it better when a shod person comes up to me and asks my opinion of something I am doing/wearing. 'Cause I'm not going to randomly start selecting runners and go up and talk to them. Word of mouth is our greatest ally and we need to use it to "spread the good word"!