we're famous

Well hello everyone.  So

Well hello everyone. So great hearing all the dialogue. Interesting article, huh? I received a voice message yesterday at 6am from someone expressing their concern on dog poop and glass...it's interesting to think of how much time and energy people spend on making their point. I am thankful to hear of people's concerns, it means they are thinking how it could/would or won't apply in their life. Each person is entitled to their own opinion and to govern their own rights. This was my decision in leaving the organized running group. I didn't want to be governed when I know what is best for me. It may not be right for everyone, but that is our opportunity to decide for ourselves.
Welcome, Willow.  We are

Welcome, Willow. We are quite interested in hearing why the running club said they didn't want you to be a pace leader. What specifically did they say as it pertains to running barefoot? Can you share your story with us? I'm sure we can all learn and grow by your experience.

Love the avatar. I was a gymnast "back in the day," unfortunately, way back in the day. :)
That first comment on the

That first comment on the article is almost as funny as when a shod runner sneered at us on a trail: "I hope you don't get plantar fasciitis!"

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