Wall Street Journal

Your Scott? Must have been looking at the aircraft in the background. Oh wait.....there wasn't one !
Must have been a long winter, won't be long before we share some burgers together again though.
He'll be going, right?
Oh, and send me a copy please. I'll pay for the shipping.

Got it in an envelope ready for tomorrow's mail, just email or pm me your address once again, I know I have it somewhere.
"I just felt like that was an unnecessarily excessive human skin transfer."

Honestly, that is one of the funniest and most obtuse lines I think I've ever read, as a description of the supposed "yuk" factor in barefoot (treadmill) running.

Here are my editor's notes:

What exactly is the level of "acceptable" human skin transfer, and when exactly does it cross the line into "excessive"? Describe the circumstances, please.

When exactly is human skin transfer "necessary," outside of skin grafts for burn victims?

Tell me, dear, about the times and the conditions under which you've experienced human skin transfers that you found acceptable. Illustrate with detailed examples, please.

Is there a distinction that must be made between human skin transfer and non-human skin transfer, and when is the latter necessary (the eating of prime rib not withstanding)?

God, some people are just stupid. There, I said it.

I never really thought about or considered the level of vitriol that the "confirmed shod" could spew against those who dare to bare in public, gym setting or not, until I became one of the unfettered few. Having said that, I read the article's comments with interest, and noted that in general, more people than not came down on the side of "what's the big deal?"
The commenters are all subscribers, so in general upscale political conservatives.
Cracked me up to be accused of being a leftist that thought the world was better before IBM !
And look how open she left my statement (culled from over 3 1/2 hours of conversation texts, and emails)
" It's a sad commentary on the times".
Only she and I know what I meant by it, but the interpretation is left open to the reader.
The commenters are all subscribers, so in general upscale political conservatives.
Cracked me up to be accused of being a leftist that thought the world was better before IBM !
And look how open she left my statement (culled from over 3 1/2 hours of conversation texts, and emails)
" It's a sad commentary on the times".
Only she and I know what I meant by it, but the interprtation is left open to the reader.

Yeah, I spoke to the reporter for about an hour, standing barefoot in Target (me, not the reporter), and she picked what seems to me was the least relevant thing I said. Granted, I'm not a hardcore barefoot treadmill runner, but I like to think I had more to contribute to the topic than that. Still, if it gets folks talking about barefoot running, I'm okay with the article.
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I went into it expecting her to make me look like an idiot if she used any of my stuff at all.
I'm pleased with the way I was presented, the people that thought runners like me were arrogant aholes for even THINKING about being barefoot in a gym will still think so, but the ones that never really were bothered will not change teams either.
I never really thought it would be a pro-barefoot article, at least it was pretty neutral.
wow, I just read this on the laptop (had only skimmed it on my phone earlier) - how exactly did they do this? Called all you guys up?
Emails, texts, and multiple lengthy telephone converstions.
They contacted me, aside from Ken Bob, Jason, and Thom, and said they would like to talk to some barefoot runners who have had difficulty running on treadmills based on one of the threads we were in conversation with at the time. I started referring her to a few barefoot runners, namely Board, since he is well-versed in barefoot "laws" and PJ since he had just written in his blog here at the BRS about being exiled from his gym for running barefoot on the treadmills. And I sent her a few pictures with barefoot runners in them, which none made it into the paper. I spent about an hour or more with her and her photo lady as well. Funny that others I know were also interviewed in the article. Small barefoot world after all.
I'm flattered that they used both of mine with all that competition.
I never figured I'd rate a dot drawing head shot on the cover of the WSJ for my business or investing expertise, so I'm pleased that I at least got a dot drawing of a part of me published on page 1!
I thought that she presented the article as the title suggested; it was just objective reporting. People want everything sanitized these days so you get some idiotic 26 year old suggesting "excessive skin transfer" all the while she is running on the treadmill in shoes which stepped in who knows what?

The gym I workout in allows me to run barefoot on the lower level only. That decision was made because of complaints brought to the front desk about me. After reading the WSJ article I am thankful that the Mercy HealthPlex (my gym) is at least being accommodating, unlike the gyms mentioned in the article. The disappointing part is that the girl watching is far better upstairs. On the positive side, warm weather is not far off and I'll be outside again.
I just got off the 'mill at a different Fitness 19 w no problems. When I finished a guy asked me if I saw the WSJ so I held it up. It took a few seconds before he was like: "No way!"
Rock Star! :smug:
with a name like "different fitness" you'd think there would be no hint of a problem being bf.

O.K., as long as you have'nt copyrighted it yet, I'm going to open up a gym called Different Fitness.
Nobody will recognize ANYTHING going on in there!
Your Scott? Must have been looking at the aircraft in the background. Oh wait.....there wasn't one !
Must have been a long winter, won't be long before we share some burgers together again though.
He'll be going, right?

I just saw this. Missed it somehow earlier. I don't think he will be going again this year. He said something to that effect. But then again, if he gets an opportunity to fly a new aircraft or a new buddy, all bets are off! :headphone: (<---- Those are aircraft headphones, BTW.)
Where's Ram? He'd take that over a LIST of sentences ANYDAY!
A list of paragraphs are better than a list of sentences.
But it's a very close second.
I will forever be known as the "list-of-sentences hater.":D

Congrats on the article! WSJ no less! I though I was big time several years ago when I made it into our local small-town rag.
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I was wondering if you would see his comment, Ram. Ha! Gotcha! :smug:

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