Vibrams and Proper Fit


Dec 26, 2011
How can I tell if my vibrams are a proper fit? I usually wear size 11 or 11.5 shoes, but I just noticed my Bikilas are 44 which = 10 in the US. I have pain for a day or two after I run right at the base of my toes on the balls of my feet.

The shoes feel comfortable when I put them on, but I wonder if I need to get some bigger shoes. People who sell them around here don't seem to know anything about sizing them.

I don't think the VFF'S size

I don't think the VFF'S size numbers necessarily correspond to European sizing. You should have measured your foot and found the size according to the charts on their website. However it's always best to try them on.

I normally wear size 13, and my feet measure 11.5" which should have been a 45 for Komodosport LS, but when trying them on I found 46's to fit better, especially with socks on.
I myself have problems with

I myself have problems with the toes of the vff's which causes a pain like or similar to what your describing. I can't wear them and just took back a pair of Bikila LS because of massive toe pain. I think I am just destined to be a huarache wearer and not a shoe wearer...
I wear VFFs 99% of the time.

I wear VFFs 99% of the time. I think the fit is very hard to figure out. They should fit snug, but not too tight. Think of a glove for your feet. If you try a pair in a bigger size and you can scoot your foot all the way to the end of the toes and you have room behind your heel, they're too big. Also, you may just have a model that isn't conducive to the way your feet are shaped. Different models do fit differently, even in the same size.

Having said all of that, I have NEVER had pain in my toes or feet after running in VFFs (unless I've stepped on a sharp rock).

Can you go somewhere and try a bigger pair on?
PB, in order for me to get my

PB, in order for me to get my toes to some what fit, I have had to go up several sizes. With my toes in their slots there is a gap in the back big enough to stick a finger or two in there. Unfortunately, with the smaller sizes my big toes can't even get into the toe slot. My pinky toes never make it fully into the toe slots (maybe halfway at max) because of the size and length of my big toes, which reach the end of their toe slot before this can happen. It's actually three toes on each foot that don't seat fully in the toe slots thanks to my big toes. I just will never be able to wear the vff's unless I get them specifically made for me I think. I always have toe pain in them but like I said, it's because I can't get my toes in them properly.
You might just be one of

You might just be one of those people that can't wear them. Fortunately, there are a lot of alternatives out there now.
Yep, I seem to prefer

Yep, I seem to prefer huaraches but they don't exactly look very professional or even business casual. My wife gets embaressed if I wear them out in public too. She says that they look like roman sandals or something.
PB Junkie wrote:You might

PB Junkie said:
You might just be one of those people that can't wear them. Fortunately, there are a lot of alternatives out there now.

If that's the case, I may need a recommendation. I run a lot of races that include creek crossings & I like that the vibrams don't hold water. NB Minimus don't do nearly as well. Is there anything else that might work well?
Luna Sandals has a new sandal

Luna Sandals has a new sandal out called The ATS (All Terrain Sandal) that is made for mud and water and trails. That might be an option for you. They have tread on the bottom and have a non slip footbed and then webbing for strapping which should be sturdier. I ordered some a week ago am but still waiting for them to get here so I can't give you first hand experience on them yet. I prefer sandals over shoes for most of my running as my feet are able to dry out super fast and they are able to breath very well and feel nearly as free as barefoot.

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