To run or not to run


Sep 7, 2010
Near Valley Forge, PA
"Snow likely, possibly mi'xed with rain and sleet before 9am."

That's the forecast for my 5K tomorrow morning at 08:00. I don't know if I even want to drive in it, let alone BF race. Yuck!
I ran a moderate 3 miles this

I ran a moderate 3 miles this AM at 36 or 37 degrees. The wind was 15+ mph and my feet were a bit numb by the time I was a mile out. They ran fine and I finished comfortably enough, but as I warmed up I realized that I'd worn through my pads on the balls of my feet (again.)

First, I wonder what my form may have done to wear like that?

Second, Hell, yes! I'm running tomorow. I'm just going to have to fall back on the Bikilas to protect the tender spots. Which, at that temp might just be from the ankles down.
See now?  That wasn't so

See now? That wasn't so bad. ;-)
Our forecast is calling for

Our forecast is calling for at least the next 11 hours of below 32 degree temps, and no snow. That's cold....I don't care who you are!
Results:38 degrees and dry


38 degrees and dry for the start. The sleet didn't start until after most runners had finished, which was nice of the organisers to arrange. I ran in my Bikilas and came through the clock at the finish as it turned 24:15. Since I was a slow starter, I'd guess I ran an actual 24 minutes flat, just about, or just under 8 minute miles. Not bad for a born again runner with 35 extra pounds. I'm delighted with the whole thing and felt ready to do it again. My training has been mostly longer and I think my body really was just warming up. Next time a 10K. then!

Thanks for all the support!

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