The confessional

My kids have been singing that song lately! Argh! They watched that animated movie, Shark Tales, and it's got that song in there. Now I have two little Chasers in my house running around singing that dumb song! And they sung it at the store the other day too!
TJ, what would you rather have them sing - Sir Mix-alot's "I Like Big Butts" or Queen's "Fat Bottomed Girls"?
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Or maybe some of this other garbage they pass off as music these days... Maybe they could be singing "S&M" by Rihiana, or that one by Snoop Dog where he says that kids should just party and do nothing else because their young... Or perhaps Black Eyed Peas teaching kids that lifes all a joke and you should "go out with your money, and smash it. Like oh my god", whatever the fcuk that means.

Oh, I guess my confession here is that I guess Im becoming an old man because I dont understand current music.
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I would like them to sing none of that. I think it's all garbage.

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