Ten weeks to go


Sep 19, 2010
In ten weeks I plan to do my first barefoot marathon. This will be my fifth marathon.

I have tried to keep up my barefoot milage through winter taking advantage of good running condition. Added in occasional gravel bucket work.
In Feb I did a 52 k ultra in water shoes, 20k of the run in socks and a short distance barefoot.

My goal for the marathon is to have fun.

My biggest concern, will my feet stand up to the asphalt

Would appreciate any advice on final prep.

Didn't you run a half ironman

Didn't you run a half ironman barefoot, or have I confused you with someone else?

My advice... Make every run from here out an asphalt barefoot run.
Yes I have done a lot of bfr,

Yes I have done a lot of bfr, I just keep thinking there is something I am missing.

I have heard it before " just take your shoes off and run"

Thanks TJ