Stabbing/tingling pain under toes

I have been an avid runner for several years. In that time, I have never experienced any discomfort in my feet. I switched to barefoot in an effort to clean up my form and strengthen my feet. Working from home, I have always been barefoot for most of the day, however transitioning to outdoors was a bit tough on my feet. I am eigtht weeks in to the process and aside from a few initial blisters things have been progressing nicely. I have only one major issue...I am suddenly experiencing nerve type pain under the toes of my right foot that I have never experienced before. It feels as though needles are poking the underside of my toes. This was not a problem when I wore running shoes, but has become a problem barefoot. I do not seem to have the pain while running barefoot, rather I experience it when walking. Thoughts?
This is most likely from some

This is most likely from some muscle imbalances in the lower leg and foot which is causing some nerve impingement down to the toes. Now that you're using muscles, tendons, and ligaments your body hasn't used in years there is a re-learning process and if there is an imbalance in one of the muscles of the leg (such as your peroneus, tib post, or calf) then it will sometimes affect you more barefoot because you don't have the stability of the shoe to help you out. You'll be better in the long-run (no pun intended) barefoot, but now you've got to deal with the problem. Try looking for some deep trigger points in the calf muscles and especailly that post tib muscle - I show it here in the plantar fasciitis video. Even though you don't have PF, the principles are the same. I'd say the vast majority of times problems in the foot/toes stem from the lower leg/calf. Let us know how it goes.
Thank you Dr. Gangemi. I

Thank you Dr. Gangemi.

I found the hotspot along my tibia at the top near just a couple of inches below my knee. I have been working it over the past few days and already feel some relief. Perhaps I was doing too much too soon. In any case, I truly appreciate your advice and enjoyed perusing your website. Seeing you barefoot in your office environment made me chuckle. ;o)
Thanks...I just spoke at a

Thanks...I just spoke at a conference in France and wore a nice sport coat but remained barefoot. You can see a photo at the website, first post.

Sorry to hear about your pain if you still have the same discomfort I hope that my videos can help you to find some relief.

Self-Help Deep Tissue Treatment Under The Big Toe And Second Toe

Self-Help Deep Tissue Treatment Above The Big Toe And Second Toe

Demonstrates Scissor Stretching Of The Feet

Stretching Great For Mortons Neuromas And Narrow Heels

Stretching Of The Foot While Sitting At Your Chair


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