shoes & music, thoughts on BF running & the BRS


Jun 23, 2010
If you are from New England or know someone from the NE, you've likely heard the term "swamp yankee". This is someone who is cheap. There are lots of other kinder terms, but bottom line, I'm a swamp yankee and I'm cheap. I make lots of things other people pay for and barefoot running truly fits into this mindset. Why buy shoes if I don't need them?

I do however, buy music (lots and lots of $.99 songs) and coffee, (Starbucks loves me and my prepaid Starbucks card). I'm listening to one such piece of music as I type this and the coffee that fueled this post was tasty, thanks for asking.

I also love the BRS. Other than news (and sometimes Angie Bee's blog - glad you are feeling better Angie!!), it's the site I visit multiple times a day to see what's going on and get a BF running fix.

Because I use it often, you know I do because I'm in the online users list, it's important to me to donate the the BRS. It's kind of like public radio if you lean in that direction.

If you read this post and donate just a fraction of what you spend on music or frapalatte-chino light soy whatever coffee beverage or what you're not spending on silly cushioned shoes, imagine what we could do together as a group.

The Paypal button is mightier than the complaint button. . .
Thanks again, Sara!  We

Thanks again, Sara! We appreciate your comments.
We're going to wait until

We're going to wait until after we have migrated the site to a VPS, which should take place on or around September 1. We have most of it set in place, but there are a few more things to work on.

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