Sharp pain in foot between my inner ankle and heel

Jim Karthauser

Nov 29, 2012
Hello all, this is my first post.

I've been running shod for about 2 years now. Since May this year I've clocked about 150 miles in minimalist shoes (vivobarefoot neos) and in this time I've been through the classic calf pain.

This has now gone and almost two months ago I decided my baptism of fire barefoot would be to run what I could of my hometown half marathon barefoot. I managed 8 miles on road without issue although I did tear my toe and had toe blood blisters. This is an area of technique I need to improve and I have read Kenbobs Step by Step so know how to fix that. After the race I couldn't stretch due to the pain in my soles. For the next week I had sore calfs, And TOPF. Other than that I was ok!

However since the other aches went I developed a sharp pain on my right foot in between the heel and ankle. It's fine when I'm not walking on it but its a lot worse when I walk or run upstairs and I'm scared to run on it.

Has anyone any ideas what the problem may be and how to solve it? I will mention thy for the past year I've been trying to shake off mild shin splints in the same leg, not sure is this is of relevance but thought it a good idea to mention, if nothing else but to explain why I have taken the leap to barefoot.

Thanks in advance, I hope this is the online community that I will soon call my home!

A couple of things come to mind - stress fracture. The tight calves that you mentioned are signs of bigger issues in your core and you are likely slamming your feet into the ground, which is why I suspect stress fracture. An MRI can help diagnose this as well as a bone scan.

Another possibility as we are speaking about core issues is that the ankle is locked up and not moving properly. A good sports chiropractor will be able to figure that out easily with a simple palpation exam. I would look past the feet though because the feet are usually a symptom, and the gait style more the problem. Most people who have problems with running in general are usually built asymmetrical.

While we have not met, if one foot flares out and the other does not, perhaps a minimalist shoe with an off the shelf insert like the black superfeet would work to create some symmetry and improve the way your core works. While this forum is about barefoot running, I agree there are many people who can run barefoot however, there are also many people who may benefit from some mild correction, since structural issues are inherited, but we would not want to have that get in the way of your ability to run.
Does it hurt more in the morning or after you've been still for a while? If it does - and feels better after things have moved a bit - you might look into Posterior Tibialis Tendonitis. There is a tendon that runs in the area you describe and maybe that is aggravated and inflamed. If this does describe your pain pattern then icing (to reduce inflammation) and *temporary* arch support (to support it and reduce movement - so a better healing environment is created) may make sense.


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