Running NYC Marathon Barefoot - where do you put the chip?


Chapter Presidents
Oct 21, 2010
Having finished my last there marathons and an ultra barefoot/minimalist. I was intrigued by this article. Not sure if you saw it, so i'll post it.

FYI -- "One of the biggest challenges ... is where to place the computer chip..."

November 2, 2010

Running Shorts. Singlet. Shoes?


If running 26.2 miles in a couple of hours seems daunting, imagine doing it barefoot.

Barefoot runners are still a tiny number of the more than 43,000 expected to race in the New York City Marathon on Sunday, but organizers say they have seen an increase in runners who are interested in the trend.

“I feel like I get asked at least weekly, if not more,” said Mary Wittenberg, chief executive of the New York Road Runners, which organizes the marathon and other races throughout the year.

Barefoot runners are not new to marathon courses ­ Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia won the marathon in bare feet at the 1960 Rome Olympics ­ but their ranks have grown in recent years, prompted in part by a bestselling book that promotes the practice and the arrival on the market of several lightweight, thin-soled shoes designed to mimic the feel of running barefoot. The Barefoot Runners Society, a national club for unshod runners, claims 1,345 members, nearly double the 680 members it had in November 2009, when it was founded.

“This barefooting thing isn’t new, but it is newly popular,” said David Willey, editor in chief of Runner’s World magazine, which published an article on the so-called minimalist shoes in its November issue. “The appeal of this is obvious, especially right now with where the economy is and the sort of macrotrends in the culture that are going back to simplicity. This feeds right into that.”

Barefoot enthusiasts, as well as those who run in minimalist shoes, say their method is easier on the body because it is closer to the way that humans evolved to run. The theory has been popularized by the book “Born to Run” by Christopher McDougall, who plans to run the New York City Marathon barefoot this year.

One convert is Rick Roeber of Kansas City, Mo., who began running barefoot in 2003 and has run 54 marathons without shoes, including the New York City Marathon in 2007. Roeber, who runs in Missouri winters through snow and ice, said he had persistent knee problems until he made the switch, and he has been injury-free ever since.

“When I was growing up, I was barefoot a lot, so I could run gravel roads when I was a kid,” said Roeber, who goes by the nickname Barefoot Rick. “When the idea hit me to start running barefoot, I was like, yeah, why not?”

As the practice has grown in popularity, however, it has drawn criticism from podiatrists who say there is no scientific research that shows barefoot running reduces injuries. The American Podiatric Medical Association recently released a statement urging runners to be wary of the method, noting the lack of peer-reviewed studies and expressing concern it could lead to puncture wounds from road debris or added stress in the lower extremities.

“The surfaces that we tend to run on now are different than what our ancestors were running on when they were running barefoot,” said James Christina, a podiatrist and the director of scientific affairs at the podiatric association.

Jeffrey Ross, a podiatrist in Houston who specializes in treating runners, said he had seen six patients over the last three months with injuries that he attributed to running barefoot or in minimalist shoes. “Now it’s become a standard question, what are you running in?” he said.

One of his patients, Barbara Callistien, fractured the second metatarsal bone in her left foot this summer, an injury she attributed to the pair of minimalist Newtons that she had recently bought. Callistien said she tried to ease into the shoes by wearing them on a treadmill for three weeks, but she injured her foot the first time she wore them outside.

Callistien, who is 51, said she partly blamed herself because she was prone to injury and should have known better. But “you get caught up in a craze,” she said. “Everybody gets excited by this idea and they forget to insert common sense.”

Not everyone in the medical community is opposed to the practice. One proponent is Irene Davis, who is director of the Running Injury Clinic at the University of Delaware. Although she agreed that more research was needed into whether barefoot running prevents injury, she said that there was also no evidence that running with shoes prevents injuries. Running barefoot forces a change in gait, where the forefoot strikes first instead of the heel. Davis has done research showing that landing on the forefoot has less impact.

“There are these little pieces of information that when you take them collectively, at least have to make you stop and go hmm,” she said.

Medical directors at the Twin Cities, Boston and New York marathons said they have not seen any injuries more serious than a blister among the small number of runners who go barefoot, noting that they have more serious issues to worry about, like cardiac arrest.

Roeber said he was still seen as an oddity on marathon courses. “It’s like an alien landed,” he said. “The reaction I get the most is, ‘Oh my God, he doesn’t have shoes on.’ ”

One of the biggest challenges facing a shoeless marathon runner is where to place the computer chip that records a competitor’s time. Typically, the chips are affixed to shoelaces. Roeber fastens a leather strap around his ankle. Others use dog collars. Angie Bishop of Des Moines, who ran her first barefoot marathon in October, uses a shoelace looped around her middle toes like a huarache sandal.

She said her reception as a barefoot runner had changed noticeably compared with a year ago, when she ran a half-marathon.

“This year people were very interested in telling me about their barefoot running experience, or how they’re really curious about it,” she said.

Bishop and others said many of the concerns about barefoot running evaporate once you try it. Sidewalks and roads are not as hazardous as one might imagine, she said, adding that she has learned to jog around debris like glass or twigs. She stepped on a garter snake while running through grass, so she makes a point of running exclusively on concrete or asphalt.

One place Bishop does wear shoes is inside her house: she once hurt her foot stepping on a stegosaurus toy in the middle of the night. “I have four boys,” she said. “There’s always something on the floor to step on.”
 Hmmm, Bishop. That name is

Hmmm, Bishop. That name is vaguely familiar.
adamslm wrote:One of the

adamslm said:
One of the biggest challenges facing a shoeless marathon runner is where to place the computer chip that records a competitor’s time.

lol, I look forward to the time when this is one of my "biggest" challenges to a barefoot marathon! :)
I actually created if a

I actually created if a thread on this around midnight last night, since it mentioned the BRS.

I agree, Miker!
Another article that starts

Another article that starts out positive about barefoot running and they always put in negative comments by Darth Podiatrist. So what happens is some one who may want to try it gets turned off by the negative podiatrist comments. Its seem to be the same pattern.
 I think most articles about

I think most articles about BF running will have the negative opinion of a podiatrist, if it doesn't the writer really isn't doing their job well. There will be totally positive articles, but if I were a writer doing an article about barefoot running I would talk to podiatrists and physical therapists, chances are I'll get an alternative (negative) opinion.

We have to remember, barefoot running is fairly new and these guys have been in their field for years, we're not going to change conventional wisdom overnight. It's not their fault, there's not really too much research yet to counter their ideas, there's some, but chances are they're not actively researching it.

Maybe instead of targeting the podiatrists we could do a campaign with the top 20 Podiatry/Physical Therapy schools, offer clinics for their students, get some of the BF friendly DRs. to do some guest lectures (i.e. Howell). I don't think there's too much to change with a guy who's been looking at feet for 20 years, but if we can instill a positive opinion with students the future of barefoot running articles could be brighter.
Very well said, Ram.  I think

Very well said, Ram. I think that's what most of us are doing anyways. It's just going to take time.

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