Running free in Canberra (well actually walking at this stage)


Nov 19, 2011
After nearly a year of knee problems that sidelined me from running, I found my way to barefoot running sites and the books by Jason Robillard and Barefoot Ken Bob. I'm in the very early stages - picking up marbles with my toes, trying to spend all my non-working hours without shoes - fortunately we're going into summer here in Australia - and some very short stints of very slow jogging with very bent knees.

At 53, I worry a little that I'm too old to change, but being of an essentially optimistic disposition, am willing to give it a try. I'd love to hear about the experiences of others who made the transition at such an advanced age. I'm guessing patience is the fundamental requirement, something I tend to struggle with, so perhaps this is part of a spiritual journey as well.

Here's hoping.
Welcome, Anto!

Welcome, Anto!
Hi Anto,Welcome!  I've

Hi Anto,

Welcome! I've transitioned through minimalist to barefoot running over the last 2 or 3 years and I just turned 57. It was not really a problem once my feet and legs had developed the necessary strength (and I'd learned the necessary technique ;-) ). I am lucky enough to be able to run my commute so I'll get in about 5000 km this year with over 3000 of them skin-to-ground.

I was talking with a good friend in Canberra at the weekend and he was regaling me with stories of recent temperatures of over 40C so you'll need to be wary of really hot road surfaces late in the day (I don't have those issues here in NYC). Beyond that I'd say say don't rush or push yourself, take it easy, relax, smell the flowers and keep smiling!

If you're talking spirituality I'll send you a copy of my treatise on Zen and the art of mid-town running!

Anto:You're never too old to


You're never too old to change. It's never too late. Take it slow and easy, ask lots of questions here to get great answers from the depths of experience lurking here, find some local BFRers if you possibly can, and enjoy the ride!

Welcome - we're glad you've joined us.
welcome. everyone here has

welcome. everyone here has had to struggle with patience in learning to run bf. if you don't exercise patience your body will force it on you with injury or illness. i am on a little break myself after a two years of min/bf running. stressed my first metatarsal and i don't want to break it. how? running too much or too many consecutive days. it was fun and i felt great, dog loved it, then the pain came on. i could ignore it with shoes on but then i would get a stress fracture.

point? even with experience you can push too much without realizing it. this is a journey and not a goal. treat it as such.


Thanks for the messages.

Thanks for the messages.

Chris, do you really have a treatise on Zen and the art of mid-town running? I spent a month in Manhattan in March/April this year and was surprised to find that I liked NYC. Maybe when I go back next year, I'll be proficient enough to also run barefoot there, if it's not snowing as it was last time! Anyway, I'd be genuinely interested to read your dissertation.

It's not as involved as

It's not as involved as Luther's many treatises, and would,perhaps,be best lightly stapled to the cathedral door in somewhere more decadent (Bilbao?) but the essence is - Make like a leaf travelling down a rocky stream! Go with the flow! Relax - even more.

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