Resoling softstar dash runamoc


Sep 21, 2011
I wore through the vibram sole of my softstar dash runamocs. Has anyone ever tried to resole these or anything similar? It seems like it would be pretty simple to buy a piece of vibram soling, cut it out, and glue it on. What I'm not sure about is how to remove the worn sole. I contacted softstar and they suggested leaving it to a professional as it requires harsh solvents.
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I recall reading a blog where a guy soled a pair of softstars. You may be best served by finding a cobbler/shoe repair shop. With a soft floppy shoe like the runamoc I can see risk in getting something offline. This guy had a lot of work getting his soling job right and he seemed to hav experience at it. Maybe google resolve softstars and see what pops.

MTA: posting from my phone makes me look like a grammar deficient idiot.
I searched for that blog last night and had no luck, Janson. If I recall he needed a makeshift foot form and such to keep the shoe's shape so the sole went on correctly. He also mentioned the powerful adhesive he used; it was specific to shoe repair/making.