

Jun 16, 2010
I'll post the video soon (if I can get over myself) but I just looked at a video of me running a 5K. In it, I look like I must be barely moving with my shuffling barefoot gait. Next to me is a superbuff tall guy with a classic running gait looking like he's going way faster. Except I am passing him in the video. Even though I know this is how it plays out a lot of the time, whenever I catch a glimpse in the mirror I am sure I don't deserve to call what I do running. In the finish line video it's the same - everybody else "looks" like a runner, but I'm right there with them. Barefoot form is tough on the ego, KWIM?
Jschwab, if you are putting

Jschwab, if you are putting one foot in front of the other at least at a slightly faster pace than a walk, then you are a runner. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are a runner, girlfriend, and that's that.
I want to see this video!

I want to see this video! :) Sounds really cool, a shuffling barefooter beating a shod runner who looks faster!
The best part of working

The best part of working races and seeing everyone cross the finish line was that I learned very quickly not to judge a book by its cover. You CANNOT tell what kind of runner someone is by looking at them. The first time I ran a 5K I saw a big gal (had to be close to 6 ft. and pretty overweight) and thought, cool, I can beat her. I caught a couple of glimpses of her on the back and forth at the begining and then she left me in her dust. Very humbling! Guys with big upper body are carrying a LOT of weight that does not help their running in the least (which is why Olympic runners are string beans :) it would be like running with a back pack full of rocks.
There was a lady at a 5K I

There was a lady at a 5K I ran a couple of years ago, where I just happened to see my first barefoot runner too (other than sis) who now happens to be a member of the Georgia BRS Chapter (Barefoot Rex). Anywho, she was big with a solid mass all about her and she was pushing a quad tandem jogging stroller with toddlers in them! Yea, her dust was pretty gritty!
Not to mention, so was

Not to mention, so was Rex's! Man he's fast!
Oh, I wasn't really talking

Oh, I wasn't really talking about my weight - I have been beat by people who have at least 100 pounds on me (an I am not a small woman). I just meant that I really do the barefoot shuffle and really look like I am power walking more than running. Better not post that video now :)

I mean I looked like I was power walking 14-15mm, but in reality I was clocking about a 10:15-10:30 pace at that point in the race - not blazing by any means, but enough to kick a lot of folks' butts at this particular race.
I'm sorry, Jschwab.  I hope I

I'm sorry, Jschwab. I hope I didn't offend you. I wasn't talking about your weight. I was talking about this lady I saw. You ever see those people who are big, not fat, not muscularly built either? They just seem STRONG. Seeing her at first, I thought, "Oh, she's going to probably walk and push all those kids in that stroller." Then to see her push right past me! OMGosh! Never judge a book by its cover, right? She was powerful! I admired her so much, and when I am feeling weak, I find myself thinking of her.
It's OK, guys - I was just

It's OK, guys - I was just already embarrassed to post a video of my running ass - there is a reason my avatar on that other running forum is a rhino plus I have such a jacked-up form and am barely wearing a bra!

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