Posterior Tibial Tendonitis?


Jul 9, 2010
I have pain along the bone on the inside of my leg, from about two inches above the bony knob on the ankle to the bony knob. The pain is toward the back of leg, but definitely on the side rather than the back and definitely along the bone. It is sore to the touch. Is this likely Posterior Tibial Tendonitis? I can still run with it. It just hurts later.

I've been running in vff's for about 18 months but have recently increased mileage training for a marathon in 5 weeks. Advice?
The short answer is it could

The short answer is it could be, but it could be other things as well. If the pain if a dull ache, it may lean toward the tendon, but if it is more tingling, sharp, it could be a nerve, posterior tibial nerve. For most minor tendon issues, RICE works. But, if the pain is severe you may have torn the tendon.
Thank you doctor.  An update.

Thank you doctor. An update. There is little or no pain at all now, either when I run or walk. But there is pain if I poke it or rub with it with my finger. And that is because there is, starting this morning, a pretty big bruise above the knob and toward the back of the foot. By big, I would say about two inches high by about 1.5 inches wide.

I do have a bit of bleeding problem (mild vonWilebrands) and I generally bruise easily. I ran 4 miles this morning on it, at my marathon pace, and it didn't hurt while running. I was in a triathlon on Saturday, and it was after that it started hurting. I don't believe I got hit by anything external. It didn't feel like that. It felt internal. If I had to guess, this is internal bleeding from Saturday that has made its way to the surface.

Here's a picture

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