Pain / Soreness and tightness in lower Achilles


May 7, 2012
Hi folks, was wondering if anyone might be able to help. Recently, as my pace had increased after a 3 mile run, I get a soreness and stiffness in the region of the lower Achilles' tendon. It is worst when transitioning from rest to walking and then eases considerably. I have been running in minimal shoes for nearly 3 years now, so I know it's not that. I am wondering if I might be over striding (increasing pace) rather than increasing cadence. Any thoughts?
Usually if you are having lower achillies tendon soreness, it is from a higher impact, likely from over and under striding. While many barefoot runners may believe that they can control over and under striding, the fact is that usually, there are other factors such as the core. If you are built asymmetrically, and have increase your pace, it is likely that you may be torqued in your core muscles which will shorten your stride, and you are likely hunching your shoulders in compensation which is almost like your body instinctively is putting on the brakes.

The result is higher ground impact, improper force transition from the legs through the core to the upper body and tightened myofascia surrounding the core, causing tighter legs and harder ground impact. You can see it if you go on a treadmill and take a phone video of yourself (can be quite educational).

Foam rolling to the core can definitely help, as well as understanding your anatomy better (my book Cheating Mother Nature, what you need to know to beat chronic pain can assist with that and it available on

A good sports chiropractor who does myofascial release or ART can help as well.

One other complication of repetitive forces is that the ankle flexibility may also be compromised which a chiropractor can detect and fix with manipulation. The benefit is that you will run better, since ankles and feet that are locked up will lock up the hips and cause running injuries.

Hope that helps.
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