Pain inner back of knee


Jul 6, 2011
Panama City, FL
I tried in the health forum, but no luck, so I thought I'd see what the docs say! I'd appreciate any help!

So last week I went on a 5 day cruise, Saturday-Thursday and didn't run during the cruise. The first time I ran again was Saturday, so I had 7 days off. I had no injury prior to the cruise, and didn't do anything strenuous whatsoever duing the cruise (ie. no hiking, running, falling, etc). I noticed during that first run that the back of my knee was very tight, but not quite painful, except maybe a slight (1 on a 1-10 scale). It didn't hurt while running long/slow or short, fast intervals over the course of the last week, but was tight when starting the run. It seems to be the back of my right knee, on the inside and feels like a tendon or something. If I stand with my knees straight and feel the back of my knees, that knee feels swollen on the back.

I don't know how I could have been injured, and it doesn't stop me from running, I'm just really curious what it could be. I'd really appreciate any thoughts
Here's a pic. The line on the left indicates the "tendon" or whatever it is that seems to be the problem.
The picture isn't showing up. If the docs don't get to you shortly, Dr. James's week, and he's quite busy lately, be sure to check back here in a week, as another Doc will be by.
Sounds like your bicep femoris (hamstring) or your gastroc (calf). Everybody's talking about knee injuries this month, crazy. So as with the others - I'll direct you to my new knee video that just went up this past week.
Hi there I am unsure if you've resolved your problem but here is a video that can help you with your problem.

Self-Help, Deep Tissue Treatment Of The Knee Popliteus Muscle

Hope that can help you with your problem.

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