Pain in the MTP joint of big toe (joint between the toe and the foot)


Apr 3, 2010
I posted over on Doc's forum, and thought I'd see if anyone else was experiencing this? It's not severe pain, but regularly achy. Anyone else? I noticed it esp around the time of my stress fracture (which was of the second metatarsal of the same foot).
I used to get an achy feeling

I used to get an achy feeling on the bottom of my big toe and second met in the same spot. It turned out to be bursitis. My foot doctor said that with all of my barefoot running my feet had grown and my VFFs were too tight. That combined with all of the extra pounding on my foot created a bursal sac under my big toe that caused pain when I put pressure on my big toe (read, when I put on VFFs and went running).

I think you can still get bursitis that isn't caused by footwear. Not sure about that one, but it's something to think about.
I have the pain in the joint,

I have the pain in the joint, and for a reason. I have been x-rayed, and have no cartilage left at all at the first metatarso-phalangial joint on my left foot, and just a trace left on the right. Both have bone spurring in the classic dorsal bunion presentation (enlargement at the top of the joint as opposed to the medial side)

It is not FROM running, but the pain symptoms have greatly diminished SINCE I started regular barefoot running.

The reasons for this improvement according to my podiatrist are:

-Employing range of motion activity daily rather than splinting in shoes.

-Lack of pressure acting on the joint from footwear.

-Absence of abrading forces on the joint from any form of covering.

My joint feels better than it ever has over the past five years, and I just accept the minimal pain left without any need for analgesics or anti-inflamatories.

I am 57 years old, and the assumption is that my very common osteo arthritic condition is a combination of ageing, heredity, and long term repetative motion (in my case shod cycling).

What's causing your's is probably different, but I just figuired I'd describe mine with all available information just the same.
Thanks for your input fellas.

Thanks for your input fellas. I'll keep an eye on it, it does seem to be getting better as my foot strength returns after my 6 week sf induced hiatus.
I have been training for the

I have been training for the Philly half-marathon in two weeks and I am having this same problem. It started during the 8th mile of a 12 mile run. My friend (who is a phsyical therapist and marathon runner), did an exam and thought it was just overuse of my that particular muscle or a hairline fracture. I sometimes catch myself running with my toes pointed up, so was hoping the first one may be the case. I have been icing it non-stop since Sunday and today I finally had a semi-pain free day.

I was wondering if anyone else had this problem and I am glad I found this just to know I may not have a broken foot. Anyone else feeling this?
Welcome to BRS Bloom, sorry

Welcome to BRS Bloom, sorry to hear you are experiencing pain too...and so soon before your half. I've noticed that my pain has subsided having strengthened my feet more. I'm wondering if I was maybe tensing and flexing my toes too much in order to protect my recovered stress fracture somehow. I've since, relearned to relax my feet more and don't seem to have this issue now. Hopefully yours continues to feel better, gl with your half!