Newbie from Washington State


Sep 21, 2011
I started barefoot running abouit a month ago. I never ran much before, but barefoot actually makes it fun. Looking forward to running a couple of local 5Ks barefoot in the coming months.
i just brank some deers so

i just brank some deers so i'll keep it short. you from the couve? if so join the oregon group. we are quite active. if not check out the washington chapter then and welcome.

Welcome to the crew, Janson. 

Welcome to the crew, Janson. Since no one has gotten to it yet, let me caution you against the deadly TMTS (too much too soon). I'm glad you've found barefoot running (BFR); it's been great for me, and I hope it will be for you. Take your time transitioning to BF to avoid setbacks due to injuries.

Stress fractures of the foot are the flavor of the decade for new BFRers who go too far or too fast without giving both their soles and their foot structures (musculature and connecting tissues) enough time to adapt and strengthen to meet the sudden new demands that BFR places on them. Having foolishly earned one of these for myself (which cost me 10 weeks of setback and a great deal of unpleasantness otherwise), I'd strongly advise you to be smarter than me in making a strategic transition that keeps you out of the trials and troubles that a footloose and unplanned entry into speedy distance running barefoot will bring for most people.

Slow and steady, listen to your body's feedback, and enjoy!
Welcome, Janson!

Welcome, Janson!

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