New York Times, BRS & Barefoot Angie Bee

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
[size=2 face=Arial>A nice shout out for the BRS and our good friend Angie Bee in today's issue of the New York Times. Check it out here: [color=#0000ff size=2 face=Arial>A nice shout out for the BRS and our good friend Angie Bee in today's issue of the New York Times. Check it out here: [/color=#0000ff size=2 face=Arial>[url]
[color=#0000ff size=2 face=Arial>[url][/url]
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"As the practice has grown in

"As the practice has grown in popularity, however, it has drawn criticism from podiatrists who say there is no scientific research that shows barefoot running reduces injuries."

At this point in the article I'm thinking, ugh. Not again. Not another article that follows the format: 1) describe the BFR "fad", 2) quote crazy barefoot runners about why they do it, 3) quote "expert" medical opionion about why it's bad.

But wait....

FINALLY, an article that at least balances out the "expert" opinions. I nearly cheered when later in the article I read,

"Although she [Irene Davis, director of the Running Injury Clinic at the University of Delaware] agreed that more research was needed into whether barefoot running prevents injury, she said that there was also no evidence that running with shoes prevents injuries."

Well done.


An important detail...  The

An important detail... The article says, "The Barefoot Runners Society, a national club for unshod runners, claims 1,345 members, nearly double the 680 members it had in November 2009, when it was founded," but actually, we nearly doubled from the day we opened publicly on September 6. So in less than two months, we doubled our membership numbers.
Go Hoop!! I loved the comment

Go Hoop!! I loved the comment about the stepping the on the dinosaur in the middle of the night :p
Not to mention that our

Not to mention that our numbers were 1,345 a week ago when I talked to that reporter and are now 1,620!
I concur about the danger

I concur about the danger inside the house. I still go barefoot, but I try to step very lightly, not knowing exactly what kind of toy I may step on next.
 I like this one even if its

I like this one even if its short. A sentence about it being unproven followed by a sentence about shoes being unproven. Instead of the typical 5 paragraphs of all the possible, although unlikely if you do it right, dangers followed by a few words saying of course we don't know that shoes help either. A much better ratio.

edit: about the new york press one- I didn't read the other one yet :)

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