New Member Introduction

Barefoot Cassie

Sep 10, 2010
I keep trying to go to the new member intro area to intoduce myself and it keeps saying access denied. Is this a kink that is still being worked on or do I need to jump through some magical hoop to be able to access it? ;)
I get access denial if

I get access denial if I click it from the drop down, if I click on Forums to show all of the forums, I can access it through there. :shrug: Anywho, welcome aboard Cassie!
Welcome and weird bug you

Welcome and weird bug you found. Even I can't access it through the drop down menu even though I have an admin account. I'll get someone else to look into it since I can't figure it out for myself...
All fixed, Cassie.  Sorry

All fixed, Cassie. Sorry about that. It's a very new forum, and when I created it, I added the wrong syntax/string to the primary link. Welcome!
Hi, I'm new here. I sauntered

Hi, I'm new here. I sauntered around by way of the runner's world BF forum. I like running. I've never been super great at it, but now that I've been introduced to the barefoot/minimalist world, I have improved my distance, ditched the ole' knee pain, and started to really love running again. Thanks also to "Born to Run" which has made running one of the most interesting things in my life right now.

I threw away the trainers about 10 weeks ago, after my 1,800th and FINAL ankle-twist-and-fall. I'll never run in anything thicker than a VFF again! I'm currently running 3-4 miles at a time, with my dog beside me. Totally loving it! I'm excited to start running some races, I entered my very first 5K for this weekend. I have no idea how well I'll do, but it's going to be fun anyway.

I've started kind of warming up to the idea of full-on, skin-to-ground barefoot running...I've taken off my VFFs for the last 1/4 mile here and there...but for now I'm mostly sticking to my trusty Bikilas.

So anyway...Hello everybody! I'm looking forward to enjoying my time here on this forum, learning more about BFR, and possibly meeting a few awesome folks.
Welcome, TReeves!  Good luck

Welcome, TReeves! Good luck on your 5K. Let us know how it goes.
Thanks for taking care of

Thanks for taking care of that TJ and Welcome aboard Treeves.

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