My walk with my Barefoot running clinic


Chapter Presidents
Sep 6, 2010
Whitby, Ontario
I just wanted to tell you all about a story about my barefoot running clinic that occurred yesterday.

Anyways yesterday instead of a run since I’m training relatively new barefoot runners I decided to talk a bit about barefoot living, and going along with this theme go for a walk around the area barefoot. As part of the walk I decided to go into a few stores to see what would happen. As we all know this is not illegal, and most businesses in the area have no postings about shoes being mandatory anyways.

It was only me and one other person, so there was only two of us. We walked into the local Supercenter (grocery store) and a coffee shop that will remain nameless, but if you live in Canada you know which one. Anyhow it was interesting to see the look of shock and discust on peoples faces as we walked into the stores, but no one confronted us or forced us to leave interestingly enough.

On the way back to the gym we walked past an elderly couple out for a walk and as we pasted the man rudely said to us “at least you could stay out of our way”. We of course apologized and continued walking. Not too sure if that was a barefoot issue or not, but they didn’t seam friendly. A little later we pasted another couple who were much younger, Jamaican , or African I think, I’m not too good with nationalities. They stopped to talk and the man asked us why we were walking barefoot and we told him to strengthen our feet, and it just feels good, and free to be without shoes. He said that he used to do that when he was a child, and the woman spoke up and stated that she didn’t know you could be barefoot in Canada, as they just moved here. We told her that we just visited the local shops nearby, walked throughout the neighbourhood and that there were no laws against being barefoot. They were both amazed that it was even possible.

So one bad experience and one good. I may schedule another walk later in the clinic in towards the end, and maybe I may be able to get Barefoot Moe out to walk with us, having a few more people maybe fun!
Thanks for taking me along on

Thanks for taking me along on your walk. It is quite interesting about the reactions. I would think the older man was just being rude because maybe he didn't feel well that day. I know a lot of older people, and I think we get grumpy as we age. Just a guess. I don't think it was because you were barefoot.
I think there is more of a

I think there is more of a stigma against walking around barefoot than there is running barefoot. I think with running, people just assume that you are serious about running.
Matt wrote:I think there is

Matt said:
I think there is more of a stigma against walking around barefoot than there is running barefoot.

That's my experience too. If you're running barefoot, people think you're exercising "hardcore" or being outdoorsy. Walking barefoot outside of a resort environment, you're making some sort of statement. At least it seems that way.
When I really got into

When I really got into barefoot running I would go everywhere barefoot. Being from San Diego, this is usually not frowned upon. However, earlier this year I decided to start wearing flip flops when entering public establishments, not because of fear of being booted out by management but because of all the looks of disgust and resentment from fellow customers.
It's a good thing I'm

It's a good thing I'm near-sighted. :glasses:

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