My road


Sep 23, 2014
Hello from Norway!

I was a bit unsure whether I wanted to post this or not, but here goes.

My running "career" started 2013, when a colleague of mine made me enter a 10 km race in the spring. That autumn I also ran a half-marathon. Some sporadic running with added injuries slowed down the fun.

Fast forward to this summer, 5-6 kg (added) later, another colleague of mine talked about the book "Born to run". This book was so inspiring, and made a lot of sense to me. After finishing the book I immediately bought Barefoot Running Step-by-step.

This was back in July, and ever since I have been focusing on walking and engaging new muscles of my feet. I attempted one run barefoot, but it felt to cold and unpleasing. I didn't manage to motivate myself for running more. I was still intrigued by barefoot running, and swear to never wear cushioned shoes for running again. I proceed to buying a pair of vivobarefoot pure evo and start using them. In one week I ran 3x 3km.

And.... Then I decided to attempt running the half-marathon, with the minimalist shoes. I knew it was madness, but I figured; Run till you feel hurt, and then walk / stop. I had actually decided to not start, but figured I need to stop bailing on challenges, even though this was somewhat crazy.

The race itself starts and I feel ok. I feel it in my hamstrings and calves, but remember some of the things from Ken Bob's book, lift the feet, high cadence, light steps and bent knees. For some reason I manage to run for about 10 km before I have to start walking. I start to feel a bit of paint under my foot and stop to massage it. It seems to be a starting blister beneath the skin. I continue to run / walk. And stubbornly manage to get through the rest of the race.

When I am finished, I have a small little light red blister on the forefoot, tired and sore, but still walking and no serious issues.

Now I am just awaiting it healing, and want to reset and learn again. Actually ran 800 meters completely barefoot today, and although a bit painful, it felt good to!

Seems like a great community, can't wait to learn more. :)
I'm impressed Phil! Not bad at all!

Thanks a lot for the nice welcome and tips! Ran my first 1.8km completely barefoot today. A bit sore on my toes, so I guess I am pushing to much away from the ground. Will run more tomorrow! :)
However, it does feel great!
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