My first barefoot trail run.

Barefoot Gentile

Apr 5, 2010
Fairfield, CT
I recently discovered some little trails where I live, I never really gave some thought to look into it more. The area is small but it's a nice loop around a lake. I only did about a 1/2 mile of the trail, after my 6 mile run this morning.

Anyways all I can say if FUN!! I love the concentration it takes and being tactical with foot placement. I run 99% on concrete but need to look for that next challenge with barefoot running. Looking forward to hitting these trails again with more distance.
Congrats! When I started

Congrats! When I started running trails barefoot it was like rediscovering why I even started doing this crazy thing.
I really love trail running,

I really love trail running, it's fun and feels so awesome under your feet, a great feet muscle builder! Peaceful, and relaxing and being in touch with nature is fun!
I never felt like I had the

I never felt like I had the strength to run trails when I was shod (even with the motion control brick-shoes), but now I'm looking forward to it like a kid at Christmas. Lucky for me, there are trails about a mile from my door, so once I'm up past a 2 mile run, I'll be able to phase them in!

 Hee hee. I have miles of

Hee hee. I have miles of trails AT my door. Gotta love the Norwegian countryside in the Summer. Find some mud and then some moss...
I felt like a kid again when

I felt like a kid again when I ran my first barefoot mile, when I ran my first barefoot rain run, and when I ran my first barefoot trail run. Ah, childhood.
One of my favorite places to

One of my favorite places to run is a path that starts out paved and connects to a single track trail around a lake. I've run that route many times and I still spontaneously giggle out loud each time my bare feet take those first steps off the pavement and on to the trail. Love it!


Well this morning I ran to

Well this morning I ran to this same area again and went deeper into the woods. The first 1/4 mile is a tease because it's nice dirt, a few rocks and what not, then it turns into all rocks.

Small rocks, to rocks the size of golf balls, trying to run over that stuff barefoot was super challenging. I had to step off the trail at times just to re-group. This was about a mile until I had to turn around, I had to get to work. I have to say being in the woods alone at 5:30am was both errie and cool at the same time. I was the only soul out there.

I then ran 4 miles on pavement, those four miles felt like I was running on a padded street, after beating up my feet on those rocky trails. I feel good though.

I did notice I was working different peroneal tendons that I normally don't feel when running on the street.
I just got to say this

I just got to say this again... The shod runners will never experience this joy in running as we who run barefoot do. In their forums, they don't talk about texture, sensitivity, sensations, temps from the surface, etc., like we do. Bummer for them. What a pity to not run free.
 I'm jealous for those of

I'm jealous for those of you that have trails to run on. We do have trails here Phoenix, but my feet are not even close to being prepared to run on cacti burs...
adam james wrote:Well this

adam james said:
Well this morning I ran to this same area again and went deeper into the woods. The first 1/4 mile is a tease because it's nice dirt, a few rocks and what not, then it turns into all rocks.

Small rocks, to rocks the size of golf balls, trying to run over that stuff barefoot was super challenging. I had to step off the trail at times just to re-group. This was about a mile until I had to turn around, I had to get to work. I have to say being in the woods alone at 5:30am was both errie and cool at the same time. I was the only soul out there.

I then ran 4 miles on pavement, those four miles felt like I was running on a padded street, after beating up my feet on those rocky trails. I feel good though.

I did notice I was working different peroneal tendons that I normally don't feel when running on the street.

Thick wooded trails do have a sense of erieness feeling about them. I usually sneak up on deer, they scare me and I scare them lol. Not expecting it is the cool stuff! I love feeling the bed of pine needles under my feet, along with wet leaves, mushy dirt mixed with leaves and pine needles, the different temps along the trail. What I don't like is when you come up on a sunny area on the trails and you start smelling cucumbers'. Not a good thing, usually a copperhead around ugh!
I also love the feeling of

I also love the feeling of asphalt and cement. The smoothness in some places and the roughness in others make up a nice massage.