Maybe everything we thought wasn't right?


May 13, 2010
I've been reading through this and I have to say there are some convincing arguments. Maybe I should have really looked into getting some orthotics rather than going barefoot initially. I have made an appointment with one of the doctors on this website to see if I have caused any long term damage. The internet is a scary thing with some of it's propaganda. Barefoot running is on hold for me till I get this sorted out.
Tee hee!

Tee hee!
I started to read this a

I started to read this a while back, and just had to change the channel; I couldn't take the BS anymore.
amazing how asinine

amazing how asinine intelligent people can be, and how they can rationalize the most illogical trains of thought that someone with half their education would dismiss as ludicrous, when their profession is propped up on the crumbling tower they are defending....
were those all podiatrists?

were those all podiatrists? if so that's sad and understandable. they are afraid. people are healing themselves and these guys wasted some 12 years of their life and will become obsolete. seriously, that's a scary thing.

i had an ex girlfriend help cure a Dr of breast cancer by "alternative" means. when the Dr left she said she felt like she wasted 12 years of her life because the medical community couldn't help her.

remember, these guys may not be all bad, it's just they have bad info and wholeheartedly believe it. those who live in the matrix will fight hard to stay in it.

actually, the most

actually, the most preposterous thing in the recent part of the thread was the way the guy interpreted a declining number of interview requests from the media.... as a signal of the end of the barefoot running fad. It didn't occur to him that possibly the media was less interested in talking to him? Or perhaps that the whole phenomenon was more acceptable and understood now, and therefore less in need of his & the media's "expert" interpretation?
ajb422 wrote:lol you giving

ajb422 said:
lol you giving up barefooting? April fools jokes should be a little bit believable :)

Haha am I that transparent?

I do have to admit I love reading that thread, it keep getting better and better as time goes on.
My podiatrist was all excited

My podiatrist was all excited to have a real live barefoot runner in his practice (came in with every problem imaginable, and only went back after switching to BF/Min to have him file a broken-off nail). It sounded to me like he thought it would make him very popular at the conferences. He's a very cool podiatrist, though, and he works with dancers all day long (who mostly have bare feet) and was encouraging and nonjudgmental. I think Lieberman is a hack, too, but I hate, hate, hate the Kenyan Fallacy. It reminds me of the argument that, oh, sure, peasant women in the third world can endure "labor pains" and give birth naturally without drugs, but coddled wealthy women in developed countries always need a c-section and narcotics. It's just stupid. And racist. And defies logic.