

Aug 7, 2010
I've reached a new milestone in my running: after running for 1 year I'm now running long enough (over 10 miles) to have chafing problems near one armpit and sometimes between my legs, where the built-in underwear of my shorts rubs.

I could easily solve the leg problem with a different pair of shorts or thighs, but what do you suggest for the armpit area?

I hate buying stuff that I don't really need and that are used for only one purpose but I'm seriously contemplating getting some BodyGlide or something like that. What do you guys use and like?

Is there something 'simpler' that works, like vaseline or a home made concoction?
I tried vaseline and it didnt

I tried vaseline and it didnt seem to work for me. I wound up fixing most of my problems with a pair of compression shorts and the remaining problem with a stick of body glide.
Recently, I got out of the

Recently, I got out of the shower and went for a run forgetting to use underarm deoderant. By the time I had finished my run, I had chafing under both arms. It was painful. I've done this maybe twice ever. Both times, I had chafing. I have never had that problem when using deoderant though. I mean the deoderant doesn't stop us from sweating, so I thought that was odd. Maybe it breaks down the PH in the sweat or something.
Compression shirt works like

Compression shirt works like a charm. I really recommend the technical compression shirts. Keeps moisture away and covers the armpit area (see picture). The fabric stays in place and close to the body.
I agree about the tech fabric

I agree about the tech fabric compression shirts. I tend to use Body Glide more when I know I will be working hard at a race, actually especially on my feet to prevent blisters. But I also rely on well-fitting tech shirts to handle any issues. If I wear a tank I need it, though, when it's hot enough and I am running long enough. I think some people use deodorant as a cheap alternative to Body Glide - my body is not happy with the fragrances and chemicals so I would not try that but I think it works well. Vaseline is petroleum based and that is enough of a reason for me not to use it, but I also have heard it stains and is hard to wash out. I also feel intuitively like it would not work for me - I think the polymer based stuff in the other products seems like a much better option. If you don't want to make a special trip for Body Glide, I picked up Mission anti chafing cream at a CVS just recently, and I have seen it on super sale in the discount bins at Ross. I like it and it works as well as Body Glide and I find the ingredients fairly acceptable.
Thumbs up for body glide. 

Thumbs up for body glide. I'm curious what humans used back 10 or 20 thousand years ago.

Speaking of ancient history, when I ran as a teenager on summer evenings, I definitely ran hard and sweat quite a bit, but I never had any chafing issues. I'm not sure what the difference was.
Matt wrote:Speaking of

Matt said:
Speaking of ancient history, when I ran as a teenager on summer evenings, I definitely ran hard and sweat quite a bit, but I never had any chafing issues. I'm not sure what the difference was.

Same here, with the exeption of 10+ miles winter runs I never had chafing issues as a kid. However, the chafing pain after after thawing from a winter run could be pretty gruesome in the sensitive man region.
Got some bleeding nipples

Got some bleeding nipples during long runs. That seriously hurts ;-)

I tried the Body Glide and others but it was usually pretty much washed away by the sweat and the shirt after some time.

Compression shorts (some brands have built in compression boxers inside the shorts) and t-shirt have worked great for me. The trick is to find a brand/model and size that is not too tight but still close enough to the skin so there is no rubbing.
Two Words - Sport

Two Words - Sport Shield!

Been using the stuff for years, I roll it on those body parts that chaff and go. It is water proof, stays on for a long time and doesn't seem to stain cloths.

I found Body Glide severely lacking if you sweat much. It always washed off
Lava, is it greasy feeling or

Lava, is it greasy feeling or looking?
Slippery like silicone,

Slippery like silicone, Probably what it is, not greasy and you cant really see it.

It isn't a petrolium based goo, it is a very thin layer that stays slick
I went out and bought myself

I went out and bought myself soem body glide to see what it is all about. Wasn't impressed. Maybe I am too used to using Sport Shield because Body Glide felt like I was putting on wax and it seened to be more friction. After only three miles, I felt down there and it was gone, or at least seemed to be nothing.

I'll stick with sports shield. Like they say, if it ain't broke...

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