Lesson Learned - Don't ask for what you don't want


Jun 2, 2010
Last week I received an email from the race director of the Maui Paradise Marathon. Due to lack of funds and lack of permits, they will be doing away with road closures, aid stations, and basically all other types of support. You, as the marathon runner, show up on race day, and run the route, fully supporting yourself. In return you will earn yourself a t-shirt and a medal and little else.

And so I jokingly sent a response to him stating that it doesn't appear to be all that appealing but if he would offer a 50k ultra option, I'd probably make the trip.

Well today I get an email from him stating that there is now a 50k option available.

Anyone feel like going to Hawaii with me in January?

Ever the optimist, at least if I am the only one running the 50k, I am the guaranteed winner!

I was looking into running either the Maui or Kauai marathon in the Fall of 2011 but looks like I'll be doing this instead. This is pretty much guaranteed to be the most unique run of my life.
Whoa, Shacky, now that is

Whoa, Shacky, now that is cool.

It's definitely time to email the BMW dealer and ask for a free car. ;)

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