leg length discrepancy


May 3, 2015
Titusville, NJ
beginner question. I am new to BF, actually, new to running as far as I am concerned as I haven't run for over 30 years. I was advised not to due to a significant leg length discrepancy (1 inch...due to avascular necrosis as an infant.) So, any advice as to how to proceed? I am going slowly, and checking in with my body. Running about 1/3 mile every other day..so far no issues. Any comments/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
It sounds like you are doing fine - just keep taking it easy!

You might want to get in touch with Michael Sandler. He had one leg an inch shorter than the other for quite a long time and ran very well with it - then he had a second accident and got balanced again!
As a bonus for you he's now living in Central Jersey!
The question is, is that a functional or structural asymmetry. Without seeing how you walk, it is difficult to give you an opinion, however, I have often seen patients who were told don't to this, don't do that and when I checked them out, they were reasonably normal.

If you have a large trunk lurch when you walk, running would likely aggravate the problem due to the wear and tear on the kinetic chain. If you gait is relatively smooth, you may have been advised poorly. A one inch difference is huge and would cause a trunk lurch.

Have a friend take a video of you from the side on a treadmill for about a minute and post it. Then a second from the back. You can tell a lot from that video. If you post it, I would be happy to give you my opinion.

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