I've been gone, but I'm back now

Dirty Toes Joe

Jul 20, 2010

When I quit hanging around here, Jason and his wife were teachers and were talking about moving to California, TJ was about to have Cryo surgery for MN, and we were about to organize a search party for Blind Boy.

Now Jason is on the adventure of a lifetime, TJ just had four alien life forms removed from her feet, and Blind Boy has returned home. To top it off, I see there has been some "recent unpleasantness" and we have a new (and I think better) forum.

Anyway - I'm back, I think. I need to get off my a$$ and get back on the road. I fell off the wagon pretty hard - I've been building this cursed addition for two years now, working midnights and now have 3 adorable children. Typical lame excuses to not run. It's finally warming up in Michigan, so I think I'm going to start running again. I may even (gasp!) try some of those new-fangeled "exercises" like pushups and such.

I have not abandoned the way of the barefoot, though. In fact, I did quite a bit of construction on my addition sans footwear, which on a few occasions wasn't actually the smartest idea.

Looking forward to wasting time....er....hanging out here again.
I've gotten pretty good at hiding. Welcome back!
Welcome back, Joe! Missed you. Around here, we turn lemons into lemonade! Enjoy!