Is this as bad of an idea as I think it is?


Sep 28, 2010
My husband wants to buy a pair of VFFs for using with weight lifting. He plans to do no actual running training in them at all, but of course a fair amount of walking around the gym, lifting ect... He then wants to use them as his running shoe when he runs a PT test (1.5 miles) twice this year. Originally I thought it sounded like a terrible idea. No running training straight to 1.5 fast running. But after thinking about it, walking around and lifting 6 days a week might help strengthen the feet enough to not fracture something. I still think its probably a bad idea but I thought I'd send out he question to the more experienced ones and see what you all thought.
How old is he and how fast

How old is he and how fast does he plan on running?

What happened to the 2 miler, is he Air Force or something?
 He's 25 and he runs the mile

He's 25 and he runs the mile and a half in 10:30 (7mm). I think all the branches have different distances. He's technically Navy (although he doesn't actually get stationed with them much) so he has a mile and a half. I think the marines are 3 miles. I don't know about the air force and army. Maybe one of those are the two miles ones? Most of my military knowledge is Navy/Marine since he's in one and was stationed with the other.
My guess is that he'll be

My guess is that he'll be fine, we're talking about relativly short distances and at his age the 7mm should be doable w/o injury. He'll slowly get used to his feet working properly in the gym and would be worse off in supportive footwear while running.
Does he normally run?

Does he normally run?
 No he hates running. He only

No he hates running. He only runs when work forces him too which isn't very often. In his words "I'm going to attempt to only run three miles over the entire course of this next year" (2- 1.5 mile tests). I'm hoping to get him to join me for some shorter runs but I doubt it'll happen.
I'm so not an

I'm so not an expert...


I'd be surprised if ONE RUN got him injured (or two runs I guess). My fear would be more that he'll go, "Whoa, this feels good!" and suddenly start doing more and more running in them, not building up gradually enough. Even if he's using them for walking around while weight lifting, his feet are still used to shoes, and it'll take awhile for those muscles to build up.

But if he really hates running and continues to hate it, I bet an occasional VFF run of 1.5 miles probably won't give him a stress fracture or anything.
If he tries to run like he

If he tries to run like he used to in normal running shoes, I hope he can change his running form on the fly. Maybe he could heel strike for a hundred feet or so, but it's gonna hurt after a while. Let him know to run on the balls of his feet and keep his strides short and quick, quick, quick. He should adjust okay. Keep your fingers crossed.
i hated running until i got

i hated running until i got some vff. now i love it. went through lots of growing pains. then i finally tried bf and went through those pains. i love it even more.

tell him just like lifting it's a new move that's going to be soft and needs proper training to strengthen. maybe he'll do it, maybe he won't but at least he'll know.

 Well I may of lied alittle

Well I may of lied alittle bit and told him he has to come out on just one practice run with me first :) Mostly because I think he'll like it and I'll have a new running partner. I figure about 8 months ago or so I absolutely hated running too. Now the thought of taking a week or more off to let me foot heal makes me incredibly sad so I think I can convert him.
He should be fine at that

He should be fine at that distance. I would encourage Crossfit type workouts as they require alot of stability in the exercises. Burpees, box jumps, cleans, among others, require stability and strength. If his feet adapt to that, running will be pretty easy.
He should be fine. I've done

He should be fine. I've done my last two PRTs in VFFs in spite of being very new to barefoot running and there haven't been any negative effects. I train in my dojo barefoot, so maybe that gave my feet some extra superpowers, but nothing he won't also get by lifting weights in VFFs. It isn't as if 1.5 miles is a long distance.

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