I did it


May 8, 2010
So, I started running two years ago. My footwear of choice was the Nike Free 5.0. The sole reason for purchasing said shoe was due to my hammer toes. The Frees have no seems and therefore did not bug my toes. Absolutely no research was done to find the "right shoe" for my foot, stride, etc... I ran in ignorant bliss with no issues whatsoever. Then after a long run my knees were a bit sore and I figured it had to be due to insufficient shoes. Nevermind that I had just run 10 miles in one shot without running 10 miles in a week. Yeah, bit too much of an increase, thus the pain.

Unfortunately I fell for the running shoe hype and went through several pairs with varying levels of support to fix my overpronation and cushioning in the heel. I suffered through a variety of ailments all prompting the switch to a better shoe. During this time my wife, you know her as Norm Deplume, discovered barefoot running. She loved it. More importantly, she had no injuries. This prompted me to go back my old Nike Free 5.0's. Guess what? No problems. I was in the midst of training for a half marathon, and running 25 miles a week pain free. As an added bonus the previously mentioned hammer toes were becoming less hammerie. Sweet.

So, the next logical step is to step out of the shoes all together, right? Yes and no. I am competitive with my running and do not want to start over. So, I am doing it gradually. I ran 5 miles tonight in the Frees and after my cool down I lost the shoes and went for a light jog. I did .15 miles barefoot. It was awesome! I am planning to do my normal runs in the Frees and do cool downs barefoot. I will slowly increase the distance and pace. Gonna be a fun trip.
I know what you mean about

I know what you mean about starting over. That was the toughest part of deciding to switch. I had no problems with running shoes, my feet, or other injuries. I just wanted a new challenge. But I went back and forth over the idea of giving up all that I had built over the last year to start over. I was afraid I would lose that competitive edge and fall back to being a mid pack racer when I was just getting used to being a front runner. I've been barefoot for 5 months now, and have been racing faster all spring. I've beat my 5k pr twice already this spring, and gone under 20 minutes for the first time since high school. I plan on going under 19 at the next one.

So it hasn't really been starting over. I was able to train both with shoes and bf at first, in order to keep my conditioning where I wanted. Now I run exclusively BF or in VFF's. It is a fun trip for sure. Its a great feeling to silently glide by a shod runner as he's gasping for breath trying to keep that crazy barefoot guy behind him.

Good luck, and enjoy the ride.
Its a great feeling to

Its a great feeling to silently glide by a shod runner as he's gasping for breath trying to keep that crazy barefoot guy behind him. HA!

So you're Mr. Deplume. Welcome.
Welcome to the boards! Glad

Welcome to the boards! Glad you decided to give barefooting a try.
My wife used to tease me

My wife used to tease me about my "gnarled, ugly toes" as she puts it. But after 5 months of running barefoot, I'm noticing less hammertoe as well. I never really thought much of it before (didn't even know I had "hammertoe" let alone know what it was). After reading a post by Norm Deplume about her husband's toes flattening out from Nike Frees, I noticed my toes had been flattening out and I pointed it out to my wife. I figure a few more months of barefooting will give me nice, flat, beautiful toes, instead of my gnarly ones.
Hi Mr Deplume! Nice intro,

Hi Mr Deplume!

Nice intro, great thread :)
Welcome Mr Deplume, nice to

Welcome Mr Deplume, nice to hear your story. I bet that having run in minimal shoes for some time, your transition will go smoothly. Sounds like you are off to a great start! Happy trails!
Maybe his nickname is Davie

Maybe his nickname is Davie Deplume. I like that, sounds kinda Hollywood. :davie:
From this day forward I shall

From this day forward I shall be know as Davie Deplume.

Yes, and I will refer to you

Yes, and I will refer to you simply as :davie:.