Hi From SE Massachusetts


Mar 14, 2011
SE Massachusetts, USA
Hey All,

I started running back in March 09, barefoot. Was off and on, mostly off, till March of 2010. Got up to running a ~36:00 5k in the fall of 2010 before winter hit and with it a 2 month bout of pneumonia followed by a broken rib.

So now I'm back trying to build back up to any sort of repectable speed or distance. Currently I'm what you might call yoru Turtle/Clydesdale hybrid. I'm slow and heavy, but hey at least I'm Arthritic too!

Hoping to get back out on bare pavement this week.
You Go Wideguy!  I hail from

You Go Wideguy! I hail from RI originally - can't imagine taking on the leftover salt and sand from the winter. How's the rib?
Hence the screen name...I got

Hence the screen name...I got it! Welcome, WG! Glad you're here.
Doing it is all that

Doing it is all that matters. The speed and distance will come soon.
Thanks guys!   I appreciate

Thanks guys! I appreciate the warm welcome.

Sara, yeah roads are especially nasty this spring due to the record snow ( and hence record salt/sand usage) from this winter. Hoping to hit the road soon.

Rib is good, finally. But totally killed running for several weeks. Just breathing hurt. It's what happens when you get pig piled by a dozen Cub Scouts, starting with your 120 pound son who leads with the knee.

TJ... uh huh... not your average waif. More like two of your average waifs.

Phil, thanks. Lots to learn. looking forward to my first run with other barefooters. Would love some feedback on my form. I've managed to not get hurt so far but it's hard to look at myself and be sure I'm getting it right.

Got on the dreadmill again last night and managed to push to a 5K for the first time since November. Took me 47 minutes But I did it.

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