Hi from (Ontario) Canada


Jun 23, 2013
Great website! Been trolling for over six months and learning lots. Going to give an intro below...not sure if a newbie is suppose to do so with their intro post :)


Did my first BF run a year ago. Was up to 30 minutes. Started mixing in minimalist shoes. Experienced some tenderness and at worst slight pain on one or two runs--this is when I was over an hour. At that point (Xmas time) I decided to start over, but in minimalist shoes due to the weather here. I'm back up to an hour and 0 pain...Still in minimalist shoes (KSO, spyridon). I do feel some "sensation" at times on the inside of my right ankle and in the achilles area...when this happens I stop running, walk for a minute and then start running again with more focus on form. I was on trails exclusively when the weather improved, but I think after so many hills my Achilles is feeling it. Lastly, on the negative side, when I wake up my right ankle is stiff and takes a few minutes to wake up (residual scar tissue?).

Anyways, I just started to incorporate some BF again (first run yesterday was 8 min then I switched to my KSO). I'm going to increase the BF portion as the pads of my feet allow, and then finish those runs with KSO and no socks.

A picture of Ontario was posted just this past Sunday in the Pub.
How far from Windsor are you?
Sounds like a sound plan, Noonie. You've probably caught enough in your lurking to know the value of taking it slowly and listening to your feet and legs' feedback carefully - your comments certainly seem like you've got that idea. Welcome to the crew. We're glad to have you with us and out of the "lurking closet."
From Georgetown, about 3hrs from you.
Yeah it's like when people from out west wonder why us lower peninsula runners don't get together for runs every weekend not realizing that Detroit and the Lake Michigan cities are three or more hours apart. But maybe for a big South East MI BRS event like we had in Ann Arbor this past May 5 for IBRD '13 it would be worth your drive!
Welcome! Perhaps once you are fully barefoot, your problems will subside. Let's hope. If not, I'm sure we will have all sorts of advice for you then.

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