Hey from Scotland


Hey. I'm Daibhidh and I'm from coldest Scotland.

I've become interested in minimalist (not barefoot running because of the cold) running because I have an evil shin splint that messes me up when I exercise. I'm hoping that barefooting will solve the problem but I'm still a little dubious.

I am coming to barefooting as if I have not ran before. It's been a year since I've done any sort of jog. I'm hoping with advice I'll be able to work from nothing to everything safely.

I'm currently sporting EVO II's which I am wearing for walking around and I'm expecting a pair of Sanuk's for very much the same purpose for the moment.

Welcome!I think you'll find


I think you'll find that your shin splint won't trouble you very much if at all with proper running form. Shin splints were what drove me to this kind of running and once I tried shedding the shoes I got instant relief. I haven't had any problems of that variety since then. Goinginto this as if you've never been a runner is the way to go, it's different enough that most of what you think you know about running doesn't apply anymore. If you're set on running in shoes you have to be even more careful though, a naked sole to the ground is really the best teacher you can have. There are ways to make sure you're doing everything right in shoes too but it's a lot harder. For example, the most common mistake is that you push off too much. If you're barefoot, this will cause blisters but in shoes you won't notice it. A good way to check if you're doing it is to try to run as silently as possible, you should only be able to hear your foot touch down, not when it leaves the ground.
Welcome, Daibhidh.  I was

Welcome, Daibhidh. I was just thinking about shin splints the other day.

The shin and leg pain I used to have are not present when I do barefoot running. At all. I believe it's possible to have the same experience in minimal shoes, but for me personally it is more of a challenge. On the odd occasions when I run in minimal shoes, I sometimes do get sore in the shins.. I just land heavier. Basically it takes a lot of concentration on "running light" to avoid discomfort, whereas going barefoot I don't need to concentrate at all.

Of course I am a partisan towards BF running, so it's possible it's all in my head. But I think the consensus here on the site is that even if your plan is to run in minimal shoes, starting with some modest true barefooting can teach you a lot about how different this kind of running is. I won't second-guess the climate where you are-- perhaps there's someplace inside you can try it?

Or wait until spring?

Whatever you do, go gradually. Let us know what happens.
Welcome!How do you find the


How do you find the Evo II's?

I really wanted to like them but they gave my heel a hard time. Luckily I found bargain plimsolls (from £3) & find they're fine (although I will need something else for the wet/snow I think - or perhaps I can silicon spray them!) - check the UK chapter for the plimsoll posting if you fancy a trying them - they're as flixible as the Evos I think but not so Billy the Wiz looking.

Scotland - you must have some fantastic hills & off road stuff up there - I've been a few times but never to run.

Welcome, Daibhidh!  I totally

Welcome, Daibhidh! I totally agree with what Blind Boy and Stomper have to say. It's important, and it's true.
Welcome to the crew,

Welcome to the crew, Daibhidh! The biggest benefit of starting actually barefoot is that it helps you develop a quicker feel and a longer muscle memory for good form, which should benefit your shin splints most. Scotland is beautiful. I spent a week traveling around the country back in the 1990's when I lived in Germany. Glad to have you on board, laddie.
I've never been to Scotland,

I've never been to Scotland, but one day I will make to those shores, just so I can see ICT play at home. Been a fan since Craig Brewster played/managed them the first time. Please tell me you don't support the Hoops or Gers, LOL.

Welcome, Daibhidh!

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