Hey from Oakland


Mar 10, 2012
It was great to find this site after lurking on the other site's forums for a while. About myself (running wise): I have been running barefoot since January, and minimalist (KSOs) since last year. I definitely prefer barefoot to minimalist. I've had a few injuries along the way, including sesamoiditis (TMTS in the Vibrams) and knee pain (related to my flat feet). Now I do physical therapy exercises for my tibialis posteriors and for my hip adductors and my arches are strengthening and the knee pain is gone. Now that I've been injury free for a couple of months I really enjoy barefooting.
Hi, ElC, we have a Barefoot Smiley over here, and they don't? Hee. :barefoot: Welcome! Glad to have you. I love that, new folks know to call it "the other site" over here. Warms my fuzzy little heart.