Here's how I became faster from 2 months of training than in the past 6 YEARS combined

ok, I bit the hook. I watched his first video. In that video he covers three topics: I) Three common mistakes by runners. II) 'Recover Quickly'. III) Practice running really fast. But no real information. All sizzle, no steak. Ok, I'm in this far, I thought to myself. So I clicked his second video. I) Do a good warm-up. II) Recovery methods. (Movement, Circulation, Feedback, Trigger points.) III) Get a ball and the magical Voodoo band. It reeked of a 'grass roots sales pitch' to buy Kelly Starrett's Voodoo band. Disclosure: I'm reading his book right now, "Ready To Run".
Summary of 'Run With Mitch' to get faster: Have a plan, warm up, run faster, buy Kelly's VooDoo Band thingy (a bicycle tire inner tube.)

Fort Wayne IN
Looks like his strategy works like a charm! ;)
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