Helpful tip for breathing

BarefootGburg wrote:Remember

BarefootGburg said:
Remember that song called "Skating" from the Charlie Brown Christmas special?

Love it!!! :)

Pretty complicated piece of music, though.

and straight 3/4 time doesn't have the same effect. Know any music that has dual meter? 3/4 4/4, something like that?
Nate - excellent expanded

Nate - excellent expanded version of what I tried to summarize briefly. And the number (4/4, 3/3, etc.) will vary based on your fitness level and on how hard you're running. When I'm running hard (around 7:00/mile, I'm at 3 in and 3 out, as I need more oxygen to sustain that speed.

Nate makes another great point I didn't touch on, which is that when you're running for performance, you're more than likely going to need some air through your mouth to augment what you can take in through your nose. Over 25 years of running and coaching others, that's been a consistent issue that people ask about and have to decide what to do about. I'm sure there are people with nasal passages the size of garden hoses that can breathe in all the oxygen they need through their noses, but my experience has been that there seem to be mighty few of them that I've met - a total of zero to date, to be exact.

Lots of good comments here from everybody - thanks!
Well, if you stride with each

Well, if you stride with each beat and breath on the measure, it work's just fine. :)

But I just timed it with my Smart phone's metronome, and it's closer to 195! Oh well, Better faster than slower.

BFwillie_g said:
BarefootGburg said:
Remember that song called "Skating" from the Charlie Brown Christmas special?

Love it!!! :)

Pretty complicated piece of music, though.

and straight 3/4 time doesn't have the same effect. Know any music that has dual meter? 3/4 4/4, something like that?