Hello brothers & sisters !


Sep 29, 2010
For me, getting to this point of running barefoot started with cleaning the house and reading Born to Run. We (my wife two daughters) were tired of looking at all the STUFF in our house. It was time to get simple. That meant saying good by to extra shoes, clothes, furniture, cable TV, extra car, and so on. We really feel good about that decision. The reading of Born to Run came 6 months later. I started with a pair of Vibrams and now go back and forth depending where I run. I run around the foothills of the Cascades by Mt. Rainier, and the terrain can really eat your feet sometimes. The barefoot experience has really brought me closer to our planet earth. You are defiantly connected more. It's something as you already know, have to try for yourself. I catch a lot of slack from my running shoe friends, but I sense they're more interested now that I'm more committed than ever to running and with less pain. I look forward to reading and hearing from all of you that are sharing this same passion.Peace Ryno
Welcome, Ryno.  Post some

Welcome, Ryno. Post some pictures of your mountain where you run. It must be beautiful, as I'm sure it is.
Welcome, Ryno.  I spent some

Welcome, Ryno. I spent some time at lovely Fort Lewis and the surrounding area, and there are certainly some areas that could be rough on unshod feet. I go back and forth between barefoot and the VFFs as well. My feet aren't yet tough enough to go much over a mile without doing damage pure barefoot.
Welcome aboard Ryno! And many

Welcome aboard Ryno! And many a peace your way too

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