Hello barefoot runners!

Ok - I'll chime in.My join

Ok - I'll chime in.

My join date shows over 12 months ago - but logically I started here about a week ago. I did so following an announcemnt over at Runner's World Barefooting forum that more docs were added in the Ask The Docs forum here. Given my situation and background that was a major motivator come "come back". Having docs here is fantastic.

I started running in the early 90s and ran 25-30 mpw until 2007. At that time I started getting injuries and I haven't run more than a handful of miles per week in the last four years. And most of that time I haven't run at all. The big issue has been my feet - raging PF for a long time. I'd take a few steps forward and then many backward. I've been pursuing the miniamlist thing much of that time. I studied Pose Method quite extensively, but I just can't seem to make it work. Just within the last two weeks the folks in the RW forums have convinced me to ditch the shoes. Right now I'm just barefoot walking. I love it. LOVE it.

So - as a result of all this - my "hobby-within-the-running-hobby" has become running injuries. I've spent most of my time in the last few years in the Injuries forum at RW. I've also been blogging for a couple of years.

Just yesterday I put up a posting about the barefooting community and how they get treated and reacted to.


This is a fantastic site and resource. I'm looking forward to learning more from y'all here and I'm REALLY looking forward to doing some real barefoot running.

Well, I am glad you are

Well, I am glad you are finally over here. ;-)

I feel the BRS has a lot of really useful and helpful resources (check all around the site when you get a chance), and the Ask the Docs forum is a major one. I think it's important for barefoot and minimalist runners to know about our Docs, since it's so hard to find understanding doctors and specialist to talk to, especially once they find out how we run. I feel we need to lean on one another to get that support to help us move this movement on along.
Hi everybody, I'm Juan from

Hi everybody, I'm Juan from Colombia. I've been barefoot running for like 6 months and I love it, I feel as light as the wind it’s incredible
Welcome, Juan!

Welcome, Juan!
Hello, folks. My name is

Hello, folks. My name is Shannon and I just found this wonderful corner of the Internet for fellow barefoot/minimalist runners such as myself. I've been minimal running (started with Vibram Five Fingers and now am hooked on the New Balance Minimus) for almost a year and a half now and love it! Glad to have found this site.
Welcome!  Glad to have you

Welcome! Glad to have you here.

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