Greetings from Syracuse, NY

Hi all,

My name is Liam and I, after reading Born to Run, decided to give barefoot running a try (as if none of you ever heard that before!) In any case, I've found that despite the little bit of injury I got from doing too much too soon in the very beginning, this is for me. I'm very glad to have found a group such as this online. I've not ventured outdoors yet as it's been very cold here as of late, but that will be the next challenge after nailing my form. Again, I'm happy to be a member here and hope to have some good interactions with all of you.


Welcome, Liam!  Be sure to

Welcome, Liam! Be sure to join the New York Chapter (see Chapters tab above), so you can hopefully get to know some other barefoot runners in your area, go for some runs, learn some tips, and have some fun!
Welcome Liam! Running

Welcome Liam!

Running outside is awesome! When your feet finally get to feel all the different surfaces and the subtle differences in texture and temperature its amazing!

Feel free to ask questions! And good luck!