Gateway to 8k

Cali Girl

May 12, 2010
Since finishing the couch to 5k I've sort of just been flopping around like a fish out of water. The move, new terrain etc has had me not doing a very good job. I guess at this time I just need a bit more structure to keep me going.

So, this morning I started the Gateway to 8k program. The only thing that I know will bug me about this is the techno podcasts that go along with it. I haven't been able to find antyhing not techno to go along with this series so thought I would check here to see if anyone else might know of some?

If not, does anyone know how to go about adding voice prompts into a playlist of music so I would know when to change temp from running to walking and such?

Thanks in advance for any and all advice!
Cali Girl wrote:f not, does

Cali Girl said:
f not, does anyone know how to go about adding voice prompts into a playlist of music so I would know when to change temp from running to walking and such?

Not sure what your computer setup is, but if you can make a playlist now, all you would need to do is add a very short sound file to act as a prompt. You could save one or more of these sound effects files (e.g. the bicycle bell) to your computer and then put it in your playlist where ever you want.

Or you could get one of those watches that has A/B intervals, those work well with walk/run programs, and then you don't have to listen to music if you don't want.

Thank you, Stomper. I'll have

Thank you, Stomper. I'll have to see what I can do with that idea.
This is what I did:With

This is what I did:

With iTune I created a playlist alternating songs from a fast album and slow album.

I downloaded a beep sound I liked from

Before each slow/walking song I inserted 1 beep.

Before each faster/running song I inserted 2 beeps.

Then, I selected each song, right click 'Get Info', select 'Options' tab, tick 'Stop time' and set the stop time to the length or your walking or running interval. This will truncate the song so it stops playing and goes to the next item in the list. Of course the song needs to be longer than the length of the interval.

When I hear 2 beeps I start running while listening to fast song, when I hear 1 beep I start walking and listen to the slower song.

It's kind of frustrating to hear only the beginning of the songs I like but it worked for me when I was doing intervals.

If somebody knows an easy way to add speech or sound effect on top of music that would be great too.

sloutre wrote:If somebody

sloutre said:
If somebody knows an easy way to add speech or sound effect on top of music that would be great too.

You can do practically anything with the free (open source) audio editing and mixing program Audacity, but there you're getting into a whole different level of complexity. Maybe if you're really into geeking out and making things perfect.
Thanks Stomper,I remember

Thanks Stomper,

I remember using Audacity a few years ago for something different. I will look into it if I do more intervals *and* have time to spend on the computer.
Thank you both! I have

Thank you both! I have audacity as well but have never really played around with it. I think I will stick with making an itunes play list for now. lol
Thank you both for all the

Thank you both for all the help! I was easily able to make a play list to go along with this week's run intervals. Sooooo much better to listen to music I like while running. lol