From the Running Journal - Another running boom

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
I would like to think it actually has more to do with more people being able to run due to being turned on to barefoot and minimalist running. Who knows, right?

Another running boom - Running USA reports we had a second running boom in 2010 with an estimated 13 million finishers across the country, an all-time high. It was also the largest percentage increase (10%) in road race finishers that Running USA has ever reported. Fueling this growth is an increase in half marathon, 5K and marathon finishers, female finishers, an increase in charity running, plus a growing interest in running among the general population. Today's runners are motivated to stay in shape, stay healthy, have fun and relieve stress. A strong growth in overall finishers is expected to continue. Click here for the story