First stint as a guest writer!


Nov 5, 2010
Michigan Chapter member and awesome Ultra Runner Brandon Mulnix asked me to do a spot on the Michigan Chapter for his website! Check it out folks!
Nice write up Smelph, there

Nice write up Smelph, there sure are lots of happy BF runners in Michigan.

You guys must be doing something right.
 At least you have some of

At least you have some of the people, I call it a win.

On our group runs here in Iowa, there were times when nobody's camera worked it was either a dead battery or a full card.

Is it possible for you to put names to faces or don't you know their names? Is not too much asking is it?
Barefoot Dama wrote:Is it

Barefoot Dama said:
Is it possible for you to put names to faces or don't you know their names? Is not too much asking is it?

Dama, I copied this from the May first RR, not sure who labled it.

The other picture from the Naked Foot 5K I'm not sure of the people.

Cast of Characters (right to left): Troy (Smelph), Amie (Khyricat), Eric (Starbase606), Ken (Jones), Dave (Dmcchesney), Alan (Longboard), Raya (Eric's Daughter – not pictured), Colleen (My wife – not pictured)
 Left to right: Me,

Left to right: Me, Scott Hadley, Ken Jones (Jones), John (StJohntheGambler), Jason (Last Place Jason) and Johnny (7Ships). Yes, that pose is mandatory!

we also had a few other people there we didn't get a picture of: Eric (starbase606), Brandon (bmulnix), Jocelyn, honorary Michigander Ken Bob Saxton (he grew up here so I'm counting him!) and I think LeeJo was there but I'm not 100% sure I remember right. There are also 2-3 others I know where there but can't remember their BRS names off the top of my head.
Thank you Board and

Thank you Board and Smelph,

The only people I recognized earlier was Board of course and Jason, I am not sure if I met Scott Hadley on our Michigan get toether for the BF record.

Board, was he there?
I don't think so. Def not in

I don't think so. Def not in the photos from Grand Rapids Fifth Third run.
Autumn in Michigan is

Autumn in Michigan is tough.........we were "Born to Store Fat" this time of year, and it's so hard to fight the urge.

I'm finding it hard to get motivated to run, sitting and eating comes so much more naturaly. I have to convince those areas of my brain that want me to prepare for the long winter to instead prepare for the Florida beaches come X-mas break.

Smelph are you healed and running?
Longboard wrote:we were

Longboard said:
we were "Born to Store Fat" this time of year, and it's so hard to fight the urge.

HAHAHAHA! man i almost fell out of my chair!

Yeah actually the foot pain that plagued me for months is gone through a combination of rest, spacers between my toes while I slept, muscle rolling and a whisper of anti-inflammatories (I took one advil a couple weeks ago and that was the finishing blow). ;)

It was a slow start, ramping the mileage back up, but it's been about a month now and I'm back up to an hour long run. I'm hopiong to get back up to 1.5-2 hour long runs before my training cycle starts up in December, but I'm just glad to be back out there.
Sweet post, Smelph.  Makes me

Sweet post, Smelph. Makes me proud to be your momma! ;-)
You should feel good about

You should feel good about it.

Even us children of TJ that are older than her are proud to be her kids.
(No subject)

