First Barefootish Run Tomorrow! Last Minute Advice?

Are you trying to hit the 180

Are you trying to hit the 180 steps per minute cadence that is recommended? If so - might that be your issue?

I've been working on improving my form much longer (18 months or so) than I've been running real barefoot (6 weeks or so). I would say DISassociating cadence with speed in my mind was probably close to the hardest thing about the form change. We seem to have ingrained in our head so deeply that faster foot movement equals faster speed. It doesn't need to be that way. It's very similar to gears on a bike: The gear is changed based on the terrain. The feet move at a relatively constant rate - but the speed can vary a lot. How much we lean forward is our "gear".

Try running in place. All you're doing is lifting your feet. You can get your feet to a cadence of 180 and you're not moving at all. Your min/mile is infinite - because you're traveling 0 mph.

This has been interesting to

This has been interesting to read. I totally remember the out of breath feeling in the beginning. Mine was due to tenseness and not relaxing. I think when you are first getting used to running barefoot you're naturally a little tense.

The cadence was key for me as well since my overstriding almost always leads to knee and hip issues. It wasn't until recently I've finally been able to get that under control.

Also, in the beginning, bending my knees slightly was SUPER helpful to ease the calf pain.